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3. Is the Authorized spokesperson for the advisory board. <br /> 4. Assists staff in developing the advisory board meeting agenda. <br /> 5. Appoints and dissolves subcommittees, and the Chair and members <br /> thereof,of the body in consultation and with approval of the advisory <br /> board. <br /> 6. Sets goals for the advisory board in consultation with the Orange <br /> County Board of Commissioners. <br /> 7. Carries out advisory board assignments as required by the Orange <br /> County Board of Commissioners. <br /> 8. Reviews all advisory board minutes and proposed recommendations <br /> or assigns another member of the advisory board to do so. <br /> 9. May excuse members from attending advisory board meetings up to <br /> two (2)times per twelve (12) month period. <br /> ii. The advisory board Vice Chair: <br /> 1. Serves as the presiding officer and conducts advisory board meetings <br /> in the absence of the Chair. <br /> 2. Has all the responsibilities of the Chair in the Chair's absence. <br /> iii. The advisory board Secretary: <br /> 1. Takes (or oversees the taking of) minutes for all advisory board <br /> meetings. <br /> 2. Submits minutes to the Chair to be distributed to advisory board <br /> members in advance of meetings. <br /> 3. Submits approved advisory board minutes to the Clerk to the Orange <br /> County Board of Commissioners for retention and distribution to the <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br /> 4. Assures that other records of the advisory board are kept as directed <br /> by the Chair or the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br /> iv. Removal: <br /> 1. The Chair, Vice Chair and/or Secretary may be replaced at any time <br /> by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br /> SECTION V. ORGANIZATION <br /> A. Orientation and Training <br /> 1. Orange County will make available for advisory board members and department staff <br /> periodic training on state and/or county goals and priorities as well as relevant <br /> statutes and policies, including open meetings, public records, conflicts of interest <br /> and ethics. <br /> 2. Each member shall attend an orientation to familiarize the advisory board members <br /> with the operation of County government, applicable department rules, and the <br /> operating procedures of the advisory board. <br /> a. The Chair and Vice Chair, if newly elected, shall attend an additional <br /> orientation to familiarize themselves with the duties and responsibilities of <br /> the Chair and Vice Chair and the guidelines for conducting meetings. <br /> 3. Each voting member will be encouraged to complete the orientation within the time <br /> frame established by the policy of the specific advisory board to which they have been <br /> appointed. <br /> Adopted 2-21 12;Dates of Amendment 8-21-12;11-8-12;3-3-15;6-18-19;6-2-20;10-6-20 <br />