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i <br />Attachment <br />December2001 <br />Findings and Recommendations <br />(From Public Safety Study Report) <br />Overview <br />At the request of the Board of County Commissioners, Personnel has undertaken a study of <br />employee retention and commitment in the ShedfPS and Emergency Management (EMS) <br />Departments. This has included a review of turnover, pay, salary progresdonlpromotions and <br />other personnel policies. <br />The mean in this section outlines the study methodology, key findings and recommendations. <br />The remainder of the report is organted in two sections Sheriffs Department and EMS and <br />includes the specific study information and findings. <br />Given the need to coordinate the study with the Classification and Pay Study now in progress, <br />this report is presented as preliminary information and several recommendations relate to items <br />that would be considered as part of the Classification and Pay Study recommendations to the <br />Spend In the Spring of 2002. <br />Study Methodology <br />Sheriff <br />In completing the ShenfFs Department study, Personnel surveyed the five area local <br />government employers that have hired Deputy Sheriffs from Orange County (Burlington, <br />Carrbom, Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, UNC Campus Police) as well as Durham County and <br />Wake County. Personnel has sought comparative information on turnover, pay, salary <br />progression, promotional opportunities, other pay programs and other personnel Policies <br />and any ideas related to programs that effectively support recruitment and retention. <br />Personnel Analyst Elgin Lane conducted the survey over the telephone and spoke with both <br />Personnel Department representatives and representatives of the Sheriff/Police <br />Departments for each of the seven employers surveyed. <br />EMS <br />For the EMS study, Personnel reviewed turnover and completed a Telecommunications <br />survey that it already had In progress at the time of the request for the Public Safety study. <br />Those employers included Cary, Durham City, Durham County, Forsyth County, Gaston <br />County, Guilford County, New Hanover County, Raleigh, and Wake County. It focused on <br />pay and Telecommunicator functions In relation to Orange County. <br />In December 2000 Personnel completed a Classification and Pay Study of EMS Paramedic <br />positions. That study had led to several Classification and Pay Plan amendments approved <br />by the Board of Commissioners in December 2000, including salary increases for <br />Paramedics and a new class of Assistant EMS Supervisor. For this Public Safety Study,