conservation easement (and extinguishing of portion of its development rights) since it would not
<br /> lower the property value to a level that is less than the current present use value.
<br /> With this allocation, approximately $2.3 million remains available in the Lands Legacy Capital
<br /> Project. Budget Amendment#7-A provides for the use of the above mentioned funds, and amends
<br /> the following Capital Project Ordinances:
<br /> Lands Legacy Capital Project (-$261,458) - Project#20011
<br /> Revenues for this project:
<br /> Current FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22
<br /> FY 2021-22 Amendment Revised
<br /> Alternative Financing $2,466,157 $261,458 $2,727,615
<br /> From General Fund $42,697 $0 $42,697
<br /> Donations $2,000 $0 $2,000
<br /> Grant Revenue $250,000 1 $0 $250,000
<br /> Appropriated Fund Balance $9,337 1 $0 $9,337
<br /> Total Project Funding $2,770,191 ($261,458) $3,031,649
<br /> Appropriated for this project:
<br /> Current FY FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22
<br /> 2021-22 Amendment Revised
<br /> Lands Legacy Program $2,770,191 ($261,458) $2,511,833
<br /> Total Costs $2,770,191 ($261,458) $2,511,833
<br /> Conservation Easements Capital Project ($261,458) - Project# 20006
<br /> Revenues for this project:
<br /> Current FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22
<br /> FY 2021-22 Amendment Revised
<br /> Alternative Financing $2,733,947 $261,458 $2,995,405
<br /> From General Fund $696,521 $0 $696,521
<br /> Donations $1,020 $0 $1,020
<br /> NC Agriculture Development
<br /> $135,480 $0 $135,480
<br /> Grant
<br /> Eno River Association $252,843 $13,000 $265,843
<br /> Upper Neuse Clean Water
<br /> Initiative $54,000 $0 $54,000
<br /> NC Conservation Reserve $18,800 $0 $18,800
<br /> Program
<br /> Contribution from Hillsborough $6,157 $0 $6,157
<br /> NC Land and Water Fund $0 $111,042 $111,042
<br /> Anticipated Grant Revenue $2,436,000 $124,042 $2,311,958
<br /> Total Project Funding $6,334,768 $261,458 $6,596,226
<br /> Appropriated for this project:
<br /> Current FY FY 2021-22 FY 2021-22
<br /> 2021-22 Amendment Revised
<br /> Conservation Easements $6,334,768 $261,458 $6,596,226
<br /> Total Costs $6,334,768 $261,458 $6,596,226
<br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: There is no Orange County Social Justice Goal impact associated
<br /> with this item.
<br />