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19 <br /> community members have about government but also shows the frustrations that people feel <br /> that government talks about a lot of things but doesn't always move those forward. She said <br /> community members at the Department of Social Services who gave responses do not usually <br /> share much feedback with government entities and said it was telling that they expressed <br /> distrust in government agencies. She said that they will try to increase trust in government. <br /> Commissioner Greene said that is obviously tapping into broader distrust of government <br /> on all levels. She encouraged the team to think about how they can respond and gain trust. <br /> Erica Bryant said the community outreach strategy will begin to address this distrust. <br /> She said that this strategy will be used by all departments going forward and they will go to <br /> community members that government agencies don't usually hear from to seek their input in <br /> government. She said it is important to go where people are that usually don't have a voice, and <br /> this will help break down the systems of oppression. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked how the other types of inequities Erica Bryant mentioned <br /> will be addressed. She asked if they will automatically be addressed by focusing first on racial <br /> inequity or if the process will need to be repeated for each one. <br /> Erica Bryant said that the system isn't working for any of us and is working even less <br /> great for people of color. She said that by remaking our systems all areas of marginalization <br /> can be addressed. She said race must first be addressed and then others. <br /> Nancy Coston said the GARE philosophy is that systemic issues of race are so <br /> institutional that they need to be addressed intentionally and focused on first, and that the <br /> framework can then be repeated as a philosophy with all populations. She said that people in <br /> the community don't come with one attribute anyway, so if we are better with our community <br /> engagement and outreach all inequities can be addressed in a better way. <br /> Sharron Hinton said that most responses came through the toy chest event and those <br /> respondents did not get to hear the presentation about why the county is doing this work. She <br /> said that moving forward, it is imperative to continue the community engagement and get <br /> additional feedback and to tell them the "why." She said when the presentation was at the <br /> Senior Center, it focused on members of the Mandarin community, and they were extremely <br /> involved and participatory. She stated that they want to return to the communities previously <br /> engaged to give them updates and to continue to get feedback from them, moving forward. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if each jurisdiction is in a similar place and if being in <br /> lockstep is a goal. She asked if there is a timeline to completing initial training and data <br /> gathering and creating the history. <br /> Erica Bryant said that the jurisdictions are at different places in the process because <br /> they are moving at different paces. She said that Carrboro is ahead of the county, but the <br /> county's training is different and that is part of the flexibility that the framework provides. She <br /> said that the timeline is to normalize the conversation about race. She said the department <br /> directors and budget team will be trained first, and that is a strategic decision because they <br /> want to make the most impact by ensuring a racial equity lens is used when discussing the <br /> budget items. She said it is not a quick process but there is an expectation of seeing changes. <br /> Nancy Coston said this work isn't like a project, it is about imbedding a <br /> philosophy/process in how Orange County responds to issues. She said this will become how <br /> Orange County thinks differently about everything. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if the staff would be completed with training before the <br /> next budget cycle. <br /> Erica Bryant said that she would need to defer to the County Manager, but the training <br /> staff does have the capacity to complete the training. <br /> Commissioner Richards said that she is trying to understand if there is any <br /> understanding of a timeline for training whether that be next year, or before next budget, or six <br /> months. She asked how long until the basic things are in place. <br />