Orange County NC Website
OBQ tats/ol "and N4,v6 <br />38 <br />1 b. Agricultural Preervadon Board- Straybom reported shat there <br />2 was one new applicatlOn fw [M Wlwtary agricultural district that <br />3 was approved on Old NC 86. The County has hired a new eansloyee <br />4 had will be working WCUgh the Extauibn and the Ecmmmc <br />5 Developrtrtvt departments he try and promote Omoge County <br />6 agriculture. His name is Michael Leader. <br />7 . Comprehensive Plan Update - will be a report later in the meeting <br />8 d Ordinance Review Committee- Sdmndd repined that share was a <br />9 mxdnerod a slide show concerning light pollution and the <br />10 rundards forivcmµmdn hard the zoning code: <br />11 <br />12 AGETDA PPEM#8: MATTERS HEARD AT FU C BBARING(Novembar 26, 2001) <br />13 aRenews ofSpedal UaePenmiS ClaasA <br />14 Reba and Rome, law. req'>cmn to renew a Special USe Pandit Class <br />IS Aforpmp¢ry'soped Agricultural Residential <br />16 <br />17 Rirk made this presentation. The reconnundatong me o¢ page73 of the agenda packed. The <br />18 ttromnmenconcerning led pedestrian access were removed at the public went The Planning <br />19 Staff is mg approval of led Special Use Permit, Class A, with the soon coadittmu on page <br />20 73.(A Copy of the abstract mdinfnrmaton an anaehment c twee nbraws n pages ) <br />21 <br />22 Pteton asked about thepecantlal shuoMesthat aremtan the site plan. Rick avid that the only ehuchad <br />23 nthe site plan is 0m additi0ml greenhouse, which was not an the original no plan. <br />24 <br />25 Benedict clarified that the aecood greenhouse was added dmiag the 6ycar special use pemtlt period. <br />26 Lama Baldwin, the applicant, stated fact there may be a need fn additional geeMOUees. Benedict <br />27 further noted tat my aMidonal structures on the property would line he be apperovad0rough a special <br />28 use modifeatinn whom shown show on the plan. <br />29 <br />30 McAdams mid tat he did not understand why the applicant heeded a special use permit because the <br />31 buweae ie agricultural. He said that growing plains and selling themdoes not inquire a necialuse <br />32 permit Hahe ells things tha[ahe buys rid mselk+,thnahr woddneedespeiul use parole Baldwin <br />33 sated that she does buy come throes fmxeele. <br />34 <br />35 Benedict said NSttlilamightnotbethe mntappropeiate special use rotegary fbrthisbundo. MescaR <br />36 has been charged by the BDmd ofGvmwssionva to work oo a different category for agricultural human <br />32 where there as more lions mteryretat <br />38 <br />39 Shorthand asked if the oclegony could be designed so that a cenhin percentage of the Kings sold would <br />40 have to be produced on site and Benedict coined that is rte option. <br />41 <br />42 Triebel inked abbutthe timelinef the new cahgory.Benedict said that 8unistilng could be ready fm <br />43 rtnew by the spring Df2002, <br />44 <br />45 Strayboan said flat most people consider a P m be where things are bold wholesale. He said fact <br />46 things have changed and farming operations are going to have to sell emne snail to survive. <br />47 <br />48 Preston asked iftbere was some way to preupprovc abuse fact in arch fm the business m grew and add <br />49 soother sWCtwe. She suld that it Costs a lot of money he come back every the pother absence is <br />50 neaded far a Inducers. Benedict said dad you could not Ne any existing assurance parent In something that