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7 <br /> Bladen County Anti-Picketing Ordinance <br /> Sec. 38-2. - Picketing. <br /> IN Definitions.The following words,terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the <br /> meanings ascribed to them in this section in addition to the ordinary and plain English meaning of the <br /> word or phrase, and in the event of a conflict between this definition and the ordinary usage of the <br /> word, or phrase the meaning set out in this article, except where the context clearly indicates a different <br /> meaning: <br /> Picket or picketing means to make a public display, act or action or a demonstration of sentiment for or <br /> against a person or cause, including protesting which may include standing, walking, parading,the <br /> distribution of leaflets or handbills,the display of signs and oral communication or speech,which may <br /> involve an effort to persuade or influence, including all expressive and symbolic conduct,whether active <br /> or passive, but by definition, does not cover social, random, or other everyday communications. <br /> Sidewalk means that portion of the street right-of-way which is designated for the use of pedestrians <br /> and may be paved or unpaved and shall include easements and rights-of-way. <br /> Street means the entire width between property or right-of-way lines of every way or place of whatever <br /> nature, when any part thereof is open to the use of the public as a matter or right,for the purposes of <br /> vehicular traffic, including that portion that is known as the shoulder of the roadway and the curb.The <br /> terms "highway" and street" and their cognates are synonymous as used herein. <br /> (Ord. of 1-7-2019(1); Ord. of 10-19-2020(1)) <br /> M Sec. 38-3. - Notice of intent to picket. <br /> 0 (a) <br /> Notification required.The organizer of picketing or a picket activity or demonstration that the organizer <br /> knows, or should reasonably know, which will be by or involve a group of three or more individuals shall <br /> give written notice of intent to picket to the sheriff or designee at least three days, that is, at least 72 <br /> hours, before the beginning of the picket.The notice of intent to picket shall include the following <br /> information: (i)the name, address and contact telephone number for the organizer of the picket; (ii)the <br /> name, address and contact telephone number of the person giving notice of intent to picket if different <br /> from the organizer; (iii) the name of the organization or group sponsoring the picket; (iv)the location <br /> where the picket is to take place; (v)the date and time the picket will begin and end; and (vi)the <br /> anticipated number of participants, and the basis on which this estimate is made. <br /> (b) <br /> Receipt of notification. Upon notice of intent to picket given in accordance with subsection (a),the <br /> sheriff or designee shall issue a receipt of notice.The receipt shall contain all information stated in the <br /> notice.The organizer of a picket shall be responsible for maintaining the receipt, and shall present it <br /> when so requested by a law enforcement officer or a county or state official. <br /> (Ord. of 1-7-2019(1); Ord. of 10-19-2020(1)) <br /> M Sec 38-4. - Picketing regulations. <br />