<br /> tower, conduit, line, or facility in the Easement Area.
<br /> E. Motorized Vehicles. Use of motorized vehicles in the Easement Area is prohibited
<br /> F. Signs. Signs are not permitted in the Easement Area.
<br /> G. Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging. There shall be no filling, excavation,
<br /> dredging, mining, or drilling in the Easement Area. There shall be no removal of topsoil, sand,
<br /> gravel, rock,peat, minerals, hydrocarbons, or other materials from the Easement Area. There
<br /> shall be no change in the topography of the land in the Easement Area in any manner.
<br /> H. Wetlands and Water Quality. There shall be no pollution or alteration of surface
<br /> waters in the Easement Area. There shall be no construction or other activities that would be
<br /> detrimental to water quality or that would alter the natural water levels, drainage, sedimentation,
<br /> or water flow in, on, or over the Easement Area or into any surface waters. There shall be no
<br /> construction or other activities that would cause soil degradation or erosion. There shall be no
<br /> diking, dredging, alteration, draining, filling, or removal of wetlands.
<br /> I. Dumping. Dumping of soil,trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles,
<br /> appliances, machinery, or other materials in the Easement Area is prohibited.
<br /> J. Conveyance and Subdivision. The Easement Area consists of three (3)
<br /> contiguous areas of the Property. The Easement Area shall not be further divided, subdivided, or
<br /> partitioned. No property interest in the Easement Area, including, but not limited to the fee
<br /> simple interest, shall be further divided, subdivided, or partitioned. Without limiting the
<br /> foregoing, the individual areas included in the Easement Area shall not be conveyed except all
<br /> together in undivided ownership and in their current configuration.
<br /> K. Open Space and Development Rights. The Easement Area shall not be used to
<br /> satisfy open space or density requirements of any cluster or other development scheme or plan.
<br /> The development rights encumbered by this Conservation Easement shall not be transferred to
<br /> any other land pursuant to a transfer of development rights scheme, a cluster development
<br /> arrangement, or otherwise.
<br /> L. Mitigation._ There shall be no use of the Easement Area or any portion thereof to
<br /> satisfy compensatory mitigation requirements under 33 USC Section 1344,N.C.G.S. §143-
<br /> 214.11 or any successor or replacement provision of the foregoing.
<br /> A. Enforcement and Remedies. Grantee has the right to prevent and stop any
<br /> violation of this Conservation Easement, including,but not limited to, preventing and stopping
<br /> any activity on or use of the Easement Area that is inconsistent with this Conservation Easement
<br /> or its purposes, and to require the prompt restoration to the condition required by this
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