Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> STAKEHOLDERS UPDATEMORKGROUP OUTPUT AND FOLLOW UP <br /> Purpose. Engage all stal<eholders who are lil<ely to have an Follow-up.Will be following up on the action items over <br /> operational relationship with the Facility and its staff. the next several months to ensure policies, procedures,and <br /> Who. Subcommittee facilitated 5 Stal<eholders Worl<group practices among various stal<eholders and the Facility are <br /> meetings and engaged over 15 representatives of Orange aligned.This worl< will parallel the design and operations <br /> County organizations: EMS, OCSO, CHPD, planning for the facility. <br /> Courts/Magistrate,juvenile justice, public schools, Contents of Stakeholder Action Plan: <br /> Department of Social Services, UNC ED/PES, individuals A. EMS <br /> involved in sobering services. B. Law Enforcement <br /> Focus. Discussion centered on how each group might use C. Courts/Magistrate/Detention Center <br /> the Facility and what input they have regarding Facility D.Juvenile Justice <br /> services that would best support their programs. E. Social Services and Schools <br /> Results.An action plan for follow up with each F. UNC ED/PES, UNC CAPS <br /> stal<eholder group regarding policies, procedures,and G. Sobering Services <br /> practices that would best facilitate community-wide H. Homeless/Street Outreach and Harm Reduction. <br /> collaboration around crisis response.This Worl<group also <br /> provided input to the Facility Design Worl<group. <br /> 5 <br />