Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the Orange County Board of Commissioners does hereby proclaim <br /> November 2021 as NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH, and urges all residents to <br /> observe this month by participating in activities and ceremonies, to celebrate November 26, <br /> 2021 as Native American Heritage Day this month and every month, and to honor the cultures <br /> and contributions of Native Americans by committing to freedom, peace, and justice for all. <br /> This 16t" day of November 2021. <br /> Renee A. Price, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton, to <br /> approve the proclamation recognizing November 2021 as Native American Heritage Month and <br /> authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> Roll call ensued <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Tony Hayes said the Tribal Council and the entire Occaneechi Nation are very <br /> appreciative of the support always given by Orange County and continued collaboration. He <br /> said the Tribe is appreciative of the awareness, recognition and the work the county does in the <br /> name of all diversity and including American Indians. He said he is honored to be here and to <br /> be recognized by the commissioners. He said he looks forward to continued collaboration and <br /> support from the county. <br /> Beverly Payne thanked the commissioners for this recognition and said it has been a <br /> pleasure to work with the commissioners on different boards and projects and hopes it has <br /> been theirs as well. <br /> Tammy Hayes-Hill thanked the commissioners for this recognition. She said she is a <br /> tribal member and council member. She said she manages the website and currently has the <br /> proclamations from the President and Governor Cooper on the website, and is proud to place <br /> this proclamation there as well. <br /> Chair Price asked Beverly Payne if she wanted to speak about the dedication coming up <br /> next year. <br /> Beverly Payne said the tribe is having a dedication of the reconstructed village in <br /> Hillsborough on April 23, 2022. She said the hope is to make it at least a four-hour event with <br /> re-enactors acting out the late 1600-1700 period, and there will also be tribal members acting in <br /> the present day. She said this will be a "then and now" type of demonstration and everyone is <br /> invited to attend. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she remembers when she was five years old, and someone <br /> came by her house in Davie County and told her that her backyard was a Native American <br /> graveyard. She said as she grew up she learned that all of the land here belonged to Native <br /> Americans. She said she has always tried to learn more and hopes others will also make an <br /> effort to understand that Native Americans were not only here first but continue to be here and <br /> be strong and have communities that people do not learn about in history books. She said she <br /> appreciates the effort the Tribal Council is making to educate everyone. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she remembers her son took AP U.S. History and then went <br /> on to Appalachian State to study Recreation Management. She said preserving and enhancing <br /> Native American lands and cultural artifacts came up in class and another student said, "let's <br />