Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> 6. Regular Agenda 52 <br /> a. Green Tract Resolution Approving the Draft Recombination Plan and Conceptual <br /> Plan <br /> The Board considered approval of the Greene Tract Resolution Approving the Draft <br /> Recombination Plat and Conceptual Plan for the 60-acre Portion of the Greene Tract in County <br /> Ownership and the 107-acre Portion of the Greene Tract in Joint Ownership between Orange <br /> County, the Town of Chapel Hill, and the Town of Carrboro. <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> The Greene Tract is a 167 acre parcel of which 107 acres is jointly owned by Orange <br /> County/Chapel Hill/Carrboro and 60 acres owned by Orange County (Headwaters Preserve). <br /> The parcel is located east of the Rogers Road community within the Town of Chapel Hill's ETJ <br /> (Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction)— see vicinity map in Attachment 2. <br /> In May 2017, a joint staff work group began to examine the preservation and development <br /> potential of the Greene Tract. This process included specific elements and goals including, but <br /> not limited to: <br /> ■ Incorporate a future elementary school and park site, <br /> ■ Preserve valuable environmental features and corridors, <br /> ■ Protect historical and cultural resources, <br /> ■ Encourage cost effective infrastructure, and <br /> ■ Identify areas for future development. <br /> In addition, the Managers, Mayors, and Chair (MMC) group recommended staff examine the <br /> reconfiguration of the joint-owned and County-owned tracts. <br /> Greene Tract Resolution for a Path Forward <br /> In January 2020, the Towns and County adopted the 2020 Greene Tract resolution. Not only <br /> did this resolution identify land use acreages for the Greene Tract and initiate an environmental <br /> assessment, but it also initiated the drafting of an Interlocal Agreement between the three <br /> jurisdictions. <br /> Greene Tract Environmental Assessment <br /> The Greene Tract Resolution for a Path Forward initiated the drafting of an environmental <br /> assessment in order to obtain site-specific information on environmental and cultural conditions <br /> present on the Greene Tract. Following a Request for Proposal (RFP) and bid process, <br /> SynTerra was selected to complete the Environmental Assessment. Beginning in May 2020, <br /> SynTerra reviewed background information, conducted fieldwork, and completed an <br /> environmental analysis of the Greene Tract. The final assessment was presented to the local <br /> governments in July 2020 and can be found at the following link: <br /> 4103/2020-Greene-Tract- <br /> Environmental-Assessment. <br /> 2021 Greene Tract Interlocal Agreement <br /> The Interlocal Agreement Between Orange County and the Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill <br /> Regarding the Current and Future Use of the Jointly Owned Greene Tract adopted by the three <br /> local governments in April 2021 provided a decision-making process for the three local <br /> governments and other key elements including: <br />