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10 <br /> the county will submit draw requests to HUD through its finance system on a reimbursement <br /> basis. Any HOME-ARP funds not disbursed by September 30, 2030 will revert back to HUD. <br /> Corey Root, Housing and Community Development Director, reviewed the background <br /> information for this item. She said this money is coming into the county in addition to the <br /> HOME funding Erika Brandt just spoke on. She said like the HOME funding, the HOME-ARP <br /> funding is awarded to the county through the consortium. She said traditional HOME funds and <br /> HOME-ARP funds have some similar eligible activities but some differences as well. She said <br /> the eligible activities as well as the population the funds are geared toward for HOME-ARP <br /> funds are detailed above in the background information for the item. <br /> Corey Root said non-congregate sheltering was used during the pandemic for folks in <br /> the congregate shelters in the county. She said the HOME-ARP funds may be used for the <br /> acquisition of non-congregate sheltering and explained that communities found in doing that, <br /> COVID transmission was lower, but it also allowed people who were not able to tolerate <br /> congregate shelters to have shelter and be connected to resources where they may not have <br /> been otherwise. <br /> Corey Root said this public hearing is the beginning of a lot of planned public outreach <br /> before the consortium begins awarding funds. She said the community input survey can be <br /> found at, and comments can also be sent to staff through <br /> December 1, 2021. She said Orange County has $1.3 million, one time, nonrecurring funding. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if there is any real possibility of purchasing a hotel or <br /> some suitable structure for non-congregate shelter in Orange County. <br /> Corey Root said staff is looking into this option after being asked by the Local <br /> Government Affordable Housing Collaborative to do so. She said it is something that other <br /> communities are looking at and is a very specific project communities might consider with this <br /> funding. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Fowler, to <br /> open the public hearing. <br /> Roll call ensued <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> None <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Fowler, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton, to <br /> close the public hearing and allow the public to submit any additional comments to the county <br /> through the methods noted above by December 1, 2021. <br /> Roll call ensued <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />