Orange County NC Website
Orange County Long Term Recovery Responses I P50 4 <br /> Wohl's initiative with medical school. UNC Health supports <br /> future partnerships. Orange County EMS community <br /> paramedics continue to support this as well. <br /> RSF 4: Human Services <br /> General Do we have information about A gap analysis is necessary to determine what is necessary, a <br /> timelines and costs? timeline and the costs. <br /> Add Affordable day care to This list is not inconclusive of everything needed. Need to be <br /> Strategy 4.2 community resources for Strategy <br /> thinking of streamlining all possible services. <br /> 4.2 <br /> All of Orange County institutions should work together to <br /> Increase public participation in break down systems of inequity. Both schools systems have <br /> Orange County Schools Equity Task equity teams working on diversity,equity and inclusion.The <br /> Strategy 4.3 Force: Does Chapel Hill have one of overall goal would be for both schools systems to join with <br /> these? If not,then this should be a the County and Towns to work on the Countywide Racial <br /> target. Equity Plan. Include UNC and Durham Tech in the <br /> Countywide Racial Equity Plan. <br /> Who would administer this <br /> program?Is the expansion just for <br /> Chapel Hill,or the whole county? <br /> Are non-Chapel Hill residents eligible Expand the program to be a countywide laptop lending <br /> a <br /> Initiative 4.3.4 presently? a it's to be program. Convene a task force to determine <br /> expanded/taken over by the County capacity, needs and the network best to deliver the service. <br /> then the name also needs to change <br /> to something that's easier received. <br /> RSF 5:Natural and Cultural Resources <br /> Arts has several projects with timelines. Initiative 5.1.1 is a <br /> Do we have information about discrete project but will need to be updated to remain <br /> General timelines and costs? current. Initiative 5.1.2 is a discrete project and will need <br /> resources,so may take time to implement. Initiatives 5.1.3, <br /> 5.2.2,5.3.2,and 5.3.3 are on-going. <br /> What initiatives are there about <br /> increasing buying local <br /> Strategy 5.3 foods/supporting the local food Examine Carrboro's local practices for additional guidance. <br /> supply chain?(see food council's <br /> work) <br /> RSF 6:Community Planning and Capacity Building <br /> Each jurisdiction is actively planning and/or implementing a <br /> climate action plan.As a result,timelines and costs are still <br /> being developed for the climate related strategy, below.This <br /> RSF group sees impending federal funding opportunities as a <br /> General Do we have information about key driver to expand on this and other climate action efforts. <br /> timelines and costs? To support recovery, it will be important that this work both <br /> address climate action and advance equity across the <br /> county.Several jurisdictions have begun to set aside funding <br /> for climate action and plans show that more resources are <br /> needed across the county to reach our collective goals. <br /> ORMGIE COUNTY ! <br /> hNtl li cl�1I Cv� <br />