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10 <br /> FAQ Attachment: <br /> Strategy Prioritization Methodology <br /> Appendix E: Strategy Prioritization Results (p. 145) describes how recommended initiatives and <br /> strategies within the Plan were evaluated based on the following criteria: <br /> • The number of community recovery needs the initiative addresses; <br /> • The popularity of the initiative based on a survey of the community's preferences; <br /> • The ability of the initiative to address needs of communities of color; <br /> • The ability of the initiative to promote long-term resilience. <br /> The detailed prioritization spreadsheet supporting Appendix E was weighted so that input from <br /> communities of color matched the disproportionate impacts found in the community-wide <br /> Impact Assessment. In other words, what was said to be important by the groups most affected <br /> by Covid is proportionately reflected in which strategies and initiatives have priority within the <br /> plan. The technical formula used for prioritization is explained in more detail by the consultant, <br /> below: <br /> (1) Each strategy is evaluated five different ways (based on the five key structural elements of <br /> the Prioritization Schema): <br /> • Recovery Needs. <br /> Each initiative receives a score of 1 for each recovery need that it addresses. Initiative <br /> scores are averaged together to determine the score for the corresponding strategy. The <br /> list of Recovery Needs was identified through research (Impact Assessment), stakeholder <br /> engagement (focus groups with communities of color, recovery support functions, and <br /> public surveys). <br /> o Connection to Racial Equity: The list of recovery needs was developed in part <br /> based on feedback received directly from communities of color, and should reflect <br /> thematic needs/challenges we heard from those groups (e.g., need for support for <br /> small businesses). <br /> • Prioritization Survey <br /> Each strategy is assigned a "net promoter score" that reflects the aggregate of positive, <br /> public responses from the strategy prioritization score released in November 2020 to <br /> determine the relative importance of each strategy to the public. Note: we could not <br /> assess initiatives for this element of the framework because of the structure of the survey <br /> data we collected(Le., we did not gather input on specific strategies this early in the <br /> planning process). <br /> o Connection to Racial Equity: The survey itself was made available in multiple <br /> languages and publicized across stakeholder groups to encourage participation <br /> from communities of color and/or historically marginalized communities. <br />