Orange County NC Website
regulations validly promulgated submquent to the execution of hie agreement 5 <br /> 15. Data to he Furnished to he Agency. All information which is existing, readily available to be Area <br /> Agency without cast and reasonably necessary, as determined by the Area Agencys staff, for the <br /> performance of Ws contract by the AgcKy shall be famished to he Agency without charge by to Area <br /> Agcucy, The Area Agency, its agents and employees, shall fully cooperate with the Agency in he <br /> performance of meAgeneys obligations under this contras[ <br /> 16. RI Gas in Documents Mas iau and Data produced. Agency agrees but at he discretion of the Ares <br /> Agency,all Marc and other data prepared by or for it under be terra of this contmct shall be delivered <br /> h, become and remain,he property of The Arca Agency upon termination or completion of he work. <br /> Both the Area Agency and the Agency &bull have he right to use same without teaniction or limited on <br /> and without compensation to the ether. For the purposes of this contrach "data includes soared <br /> recordings,or other graphic representations,said works of similar nature. No reports or other documents; <br /> produced in whole or in part under his contract shall he me subject of on application for copyright by or <br /> on behalf of the Agency. <br /> 17. Mrsutlfeaz on of Document All reports. and other documents completed as part of his contract Shah <br /> bear on title pages of such report,or document the following laoand: "Prepared by(Anenev Namel <br /> under contract with Triangle I Council of Govemtnents/Arco Agency on Aging". The date (month and <br /> ear)in which me document was prepared and source or giant funds shall ako be shown. <br /> 18, Interest of Agent: . The Agency revenants bar rubber the Agency nor its agents or employees presently <br /> has an interest, nor shall acquire an limiest direct or indirect, which conflicts in my macaw or degree <br /> wit the performance of its service hereunder, or which world prevem, or tend to prevent, the <br /> satufaaory,perfomuv= of me Agencys a ce hereunder in an impartial and unbiased he <br /> Agency fuller covensom mad in the performance of his contract no person having any such interest <br /> shall be employed by the an agent,subcontractor or otberwise. <br /> 19. Interest of Members of The Area Agency and Others. No officer, member or employee of he Area <br /> Agency, and no public official of any local govemmern which is affected in any way by the Project who <br /> execensess say Wooden or responsibilities in the review or approval of the Project or my component part <br /> thereof, shall participate in any decisions relating to this connaet which may affect his peround interest <br /> or he marpest of my corporation, partnership or associatian in which he is, directly or indirredy, <br /> interested,nor shall any such person have any interest,abut or indirect,in this contract or he proceeds <br /> arising therefrom. <br /> 20, Officials Not to Britoil No insi of or ddcgate h the Congress of the United Smma of America or <br /> he General Assembly of he State of North Carolina, resident Commissioner or employee of he United <br /> States Goverment or me Nosh Carolina State Goverment, shall be entitled to any share or part of this <br /> cuntr ct or day benefits to Grim homfrom. <br /> 21. Probbiman Against Use of Funds to influence Legislation No part of my funds under tids Agreement <br /> shall be used to pay the salary or expenses of any employ= or sent acting on behalf or me Agency to <br /> engage in any activity designed to influence legislation or appropriations pending before C ..mere. <br /> 22. Equal Emolovment O000 amity and Americans Wit Disabilities Act Compliance. The Agency shall <br /> comply with he requhemenfs of this paragraph. <br /> No contractor, employee, or applicant for employment shall be, discriminated against because or race, <br /> rnlnr hm-ear w1wina see "v.anrnml,nnalmmn Th, /v......nid] rrmh,aim Tid,W of fn,fivil <br />