Orange County NC Website
CONTRACT FOR SERVICES PROVIDED FOR <br /> TINDER TITLE ATE OF 11113 OLDER AMERICANS ACT <br /> (NC FAMILY CAREGIVER SUPPORT PROGRMA7 <br /> THIS .AGREEMENT, entered into as of this 5W day of December,2001,by and between Orange <br /> County/[Orange County Department on Aging] (hereinafter referred to as the"Agency')and the Triangle J <br /> Connell of Govemmondn/Ares Agency on Aging,@ucivafter craned to as the"Area Agency"} <br /> WITNESSETHTHAT: <br /> WHEREAS, The Area Agency wishes to have performed and the Agency wishes to provide certain aging <br /> ervicus In connection with activities Induced in part by Older Amcrcros Act grant funds provided to The Area <br /> Agency fiom the United Slates Department of Health and Humor Services though the Nmth Carolina Division <br /> of Aging; <br /> NOW TIIERFFORE, in consideration of the pm uses, and mutoal covenants and agreements hereldaftes <br /> cOVmined,thepartics hereto agree as fellows: <br /> 1. Employment of the Agency, The Area Agency hereby agrees m engage the Agency and the Agency <br /> hereby agrees to perform the services hereinafter set Ionia in accordance with the terms and conditions <br /> contained herein. <br /> 21 Sense of Services. The Agency shall provide Family Caregiver Support services to caregivers coring <br /> for individuals who are 60 years of age or older (and all for grandparents caring for grandehildfen <br /> under the age or nautical)residing in Orange County. All services are to be performed in accordance <br /> with the Agamcy.s Caregiver Support Plod submitted to the Area Agency, me terms of which are <br /> ncorporated herein by refnenec. In addition,the Agency agrees w perform services in full compliance <br /> with NC Family Caregiver Support Program requirements. <br /> 3. Them of ' rt The se s of be Agency we m commence no later dom December 5,2001 <br /> add shall be undertaken and pur nAgency in such sequence as to assure their expeditious completion on or <br /> befom the end of the contract period, hil2002. <br /> 4. Container Adminia rd The contract administrator for the Area Agency shall be David Maser, <br /> Area Agency on Aging Director. 'Elie contract administrator for the Agency shall be Tom Pmts, <br /> Executive Director of the Moore Cowry Depawen[ of Aging. It is understood and agreed fast the <br /> administrator for the Agency shall represent the Agency in the performance of this concert The Agency <br /> shall notify The Area Agency 9 the administration changes during the contract period <br /> 5. Compensation and Method f payment The Agenry shall he compensated for the work and services <br /> actually performed ender this contract by payments m be made monthly by the Aroa Agency. However, <br /> me real compensation and reimbursementto he paid the Agency under ibis contract shell nor exceed the <br /> m of$30,120 in gran[funds_The trams set foM in this sportiness for payment are contingent upon <br /> receipt of grind funds from the North Carolina Division of Aging. <br /> 6. Rc mbursemen[ of Service Costs. The Agency will report to the Area Agency on Aging,on a monthly <br /> basis, and in the form specified by the Area Agency, the allowable expenditures to be reimbursed under <br /> this condor- The amount of allow able expev&tares mgvHldJ will be reduced by die amount of program <br /> income resolved for the service for the month reported. The amount of reimbursement due the Agency <br /> will he gotāž¢of the remainder which represent;the grant share of costs reported for the starlet. <br />