Orange County NC Website
04/02/08 1J:01 FAR B19 888 7110 DCRI <br />Id10 2 1~" <br />FOR OfFr CE 11SE ONLY <br />~'~2 a t' ~' _.__ S h Q h ! <br />EDUCATION; __ ~~P~ r' Fla cb ~" 2" 1- ,-- <br />OTHERCOMMEN75:____ ..-..`--.-~-•..---•. <br />How did you become aware of Orange County volunteer opportunities? (Please check all that <br />apply): O Newspaper O County Web Page O Current Orange County Volunteer <br />d Radio '~T.V. O Other <br />ETHICS GUIDELINES FOR <br />COUN'i'Y ADVISORY BOARDS ANO COMMISSIONS <br />I agree by my signature below that, IF appointed, I pledge to comply with the foliovring elhirs guidelines for <br />advisory boards and comm(ssions as adopted by the Orange County Board of Commiss(oners. <br />Members of advisory boards and wmmissfons shall not diswss, advocate, or vote on any matter In <br />which they have a conUlet or potential congict of interest or an Interest which reasonably might <br />appear to be In conftid with the concept oltairnass in dealing with public business. A conflict of <br />interest or a potential congict occurs Ii a member has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either <br />direct or indirect, In any Issue or transaction under consideration. Any member who violates this <br />provision maybe subject to removal From the board or commisslon. <br />IF an advisory board or wmmission member believes helshe has a con0{ct or potential eonfllct of <br />Interest on a particular Issue, then that member should state this belief to the other members of <br />hismer respective advisory board or commission during the board or eommlasion's public meeting. <br />The member should state the nature of the conflki, detailing ihat helshe has a separate, private, or <br />monetary interest, either direct Or indirect, m the Issue or transaction under consideration. The <br />member should Than excuse himself/trerself from considering and voting on the matter. Incases <br />where an advisory board or commission member dedares a conflict or potential conflict of interest, <br />the member shall excuse hlmselflherselffrora the board table/voting area until ail discussion, <br />consideration, end voting D completed on the matter in quest(on. <br />Any advisory board or commission member having questions or needing assistance regarding the <br />interpretation of these ethics guidelines or other conflict of interest matters should contact the <br />administratlve staff for the respective board or commission. Stall will assist the member wNh <br />questions and interpremtions end may provide a rscommendaUon an whether or not the advisory <br />board or commisslon member should excuse himselQherself from voting. The member may request <br />that the staff respond in writing. staff may contact the County Manager for arty additional assistance, <br />If appointed, I agree to attend a these-hour orientation which will give an overview of how Orange County <br />OOVetnment operates and Its relationship other governmental units. ~/ p <br />'~ `f'/~d d '' <br />Signature ~` ~ Date <br />V01D[Sx7: APPI.CIx; 8: \.VDUPPt, OOC <br />