Orange County NC Website
Project Information <br /> *Please submit for each project if applying for funding for more than one project. <br /> 6. Project Name: Creating a Solar Future at CHCCS <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools(CHCCS)paid$2,107,228 over the last <br /> 12 calendar months for energy across all campuses and supporting <br /> facilities,one of the largest energy consumers in Orange County.Electrical <br /> consumption makes up nearly 82%of energy expenses with natural gas <br /> accounting for the remaining 18%. <br /> Total energy consumption equates to 24,838 tons of emitted greenhouse <br /> gasses each year. CHCCS is mindful of its role as one of the largest energy <br /> consumers and contributors of greenhouse gasses(GHG)in the Orange <br /> County and seeks to reduce its carbon footprint. <br /> CHCCS currently does not lease or own any photovoltaic(PV)arrays that <br /> produce meaningful energy.This is an unrealized opportunity to meet <br /> 7. Please briefly describe the sustainability goals,lower operating expenses,and connect with our <br /> proposed project and the target students and community more fully while engaging with an energy source <br /> population to benefit from the that is now financially competitive with other means of energy production <br /> program. How many people will on a large scale. <br /> benefit? (100-300 words) <br /> The lease or purchase of three 100kW PV arrays,located at Chapel Hill <br /> High School,East Chapel Hill High School,and Carrboro High School <br /> would lead to several primary benefits with many ancillary benefits: <br /> 1. Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions(332 tons/yr.) <br /> 2. Annual electric energy savings(up to$32,844/yr.) <br /> 3. Education and awareness opportunities for students,staff,and <br /> community(3,844 students,400 staff/yr.) <br /> Savings from the proposed arrays would contribute to the lease or purchase <br /> of additional PV arrays at other viable CHCCS campuses,pending roof <br /> condition and solar window at each school,compounding energy savings <br /> and GHG reduction once operational. <br /> ❑X Infrastructure/Clean Tech: New <br /> ❑ Infrastructure/Clean Tech: Repair <br /> 8. Please choose the best ❑ Infrastructure/Clean Tech: Replacement <br /> description for the type of ❑X Communication/Education <br /> project: ❑ Natural Systems Management/Restoration <br /> ❑ Circular Economy/Waste reduction <br /> ❑ Analysis/Plan <br /> ❑ Other(Please describe): <br /> Page 7 of 17 <br />