Orange County NC Website
Page | 19 <br /> <br /> <br />B. Available resources to perform the work, availability of key staff to Orange County and ability to provide prompt <br />response to issues during development of plan. <br /> <br />C. Project team experience and demonstrated knowledge and experience with similar assignments; past experience <br />working with solid waste master plans; a satisfactory record of performance; knowledge of and ability to meet <br />applicable federal, state, and local requirements. <br /> <br />D. Approach, methodology and ability of the Firm to create a SW MP that meets the needs of the County and complete <br />each task in an effective and efficient manner. Project team’s organization, chain of command, and ability to develop <br />fact sheets, presentation materials, and memos during plan development. <br /> <br />E. Reasonableness of cost proposal <br />7.7.1 Possible interviews and presentations <br />Upon review of the proposals, the Firms will be ranked. The highest-ranking Firms may be invited in for an interview and <br />formal presentation. If interviews and presentations are needed, the County will schedule a date, time, and location with <br />each of the Proposers if necessary. Proposers will be responsible for all costs associated with the interviews and <br />presentations. <br />7.7.2 Negotiation and Selection <br />The firm selected will then be invited to start negotiations with the County. If an agreement cannot be reached with the <br />highest ranked Firm, we will move to the second ranked Firm. The same process will be repeated with the other ranked <br />Firms, If no such agreement can be reached, the County reserves the right to not select a Firm as part of this process <br />Depending on the number of proposals received the County reserves the right to shortlist the proposals and eliminate the <br />lowest ranking proposals for consideration. <br />7.7.3 Special Conditions <br />Excluding proprietary information, the successful Firm’s proposal and contract are deemed public records and shall be <br />available to the public upon request. In addition, the County shall maintain a “Register of Proposals for this Contract,” which <br />shall contain the names of company’s who submitted a proposal and the name of the company who was awarded the <br />contract; however, the proposals of the submitting Firms not awarded the contract are nonpublic records and will remain <br />confidential. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 00C54720-9DC0-4A3D-ABED-77E0FD28E0CD