Orange County NC Website
Page | 18 <br /> <br /> <br />II. Provide résumés or a listing of information for each lead person assigned to this project. State the educational <br />background of each individual, years of experience, length of employment with your Firm, and experience <br />providing solid waste management related services. For each person, list specific responsibilities in your Firm, <br />experience with similar cities of similar size and type, and current work assignments and availability. <br />III. References. Firm shall provide a list with up to-date- accurate contact information of at least three agencies that <br />have employed your firm to provide Solid Waste Master Planning Services, indicating a specific individual contact <br />directly involved with that work. <br />IV. Experience. Each Firm shall supply recent examples of similar projects that the Firm was involved with. Include <br />related past projects completed along with discussion comparing similarities with this proposed project. <br /> <br />C. Understanding of Project: State your understanding of what the project entails. <br /> <br />D. Statement of Work and Project Approach: Discuss how your organization will accomplish the scope of work. Include <br />details of how and when you will interact with staff, the process to develop the SW MP, how the Firm plans to complete <br />each task, and ensure compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations. <br /> <br />E. Project Schedule: Provide your schedule for performing the work, including major milestones and deliverables. <br />Propose a detailed schedule with tasks and milestone dates, not to exceed 18 months from notice to proceed until <br />delivery and presentation of final plan. <br /> <br />F. Project Budget: Provide estimated total cost for the complete project broken down by task. Proposal should show <br />cost by task with all expenses included in the task and specifically delineate labor costs separate from expenses. In <br />addition, timelines for each task should be listed. <br /> <br />G. HB786 imposes E-Verify requirements on contractors who enter into certain contracts with state agencies and local <br />governments. The legislation specifically prohibits governmental units from entering into certain contracts “unless <br />the contractor and the contractor’s subcontractors comply with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the <br />General Statutes.” (Article 2 of Chapter 64 establishes North Carolina’s E-Verify requirements for private <br />employers). It is important to note that the verification requirement applies to subcontractors as well as contractors. <br />The new laws specifically prohibit governmental units from entering into contracts with contractors who have not (or <br />their subs have not) complied with E-Verify requirements. Complete the attached affidavit, and include it with your <br />submittal. <br /> <br />H. See attached Orange County Non-Discrimination Ordinance. Complete the attached Orange County <br />Nondiscrimination Certification and include it with your submittal. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />7.7 Selection Process <br />Upon receipt of the proposals, an evaluation team will determine the best proposal deemed most qualified based on the <br />below criteria. The evaluation team will rely on the qualitative information contained and presented in the proposals and <br />reference checks in making the decision to select the most qualified Firm to provide services for the County. Selection <br />criteria will be based on: <br />A. Project Understanding: Degree that Firm demonstrates an understanding of County objectives and proposes a solution <br />to accomplish the tasks laid out in the RFP, and is able to meet these objectives and deadlines. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 00C54720-9DC0-4A3D-ABED-77E0FD28E0CD