2021-696-E-Solid Waste-Gershman, Brickner & Bratton-Development of A Solid Waste Master Plan
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2021-696-E-Solid Waste-Gershman, Brickner & Bratton-Development of A Solid Waste Master Plan
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12/30/2021 10:58:08 AM
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12/30/2021 10:56:13 AM
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Page | 16 <br /> <br /> <br />The final report should include details showing how the above mentioned plans and reports, as well as any other known <br />plans and reports not mentioned, have been considered and integrated in to the final Solid Waste Master Plan. <br /> <br />7.5 Deliverables for the Solid Waste Master Plan <br />Task 1: Provide a thorough assessment of current waste reduction, recycling, and solid waste management programs and <br />facilities shown in the background information and reports attached to the RFP and input gathered from the SWAG and other <br />stakeholders. Provide a written report containing the Firm’s observations and judgments about the current system and any <br />short-term (one to two years) improvements that could be made within current program limits. <br /> <br />Task 2: Provide and present to SWAG an equitable comprehensive public engagement process that: (a) effectively includes <br />input by the general public and key interest groups, including the municipal and university partners, in developing the final <br />solid waste master plan. The process should be designed so as to insure inclusion of persons and groups that historically <br />have been marginalized in public participation (“Engagement Plan”), and (b) provides a detailed plan for keeping the public <br />and municipal and university partners informed about the development of the plan (the “Information Plan”). A draft of the <br />Engagement and Information plan must be presented to the SWAG and their input received prior to finalizing the <br />Engagement and Information plan. <br /> <br />Task 3: Provide a list of options for reducing waste and increasing /recycling /diversion/reuse/composting, types of generator <br />and jurisdiction to achieve the goals identified in Paragraph 2.1 Purpose of the RFP. Options may include new or changed <br />collection or processing arrangements, facilities, change of policies, financial mechanisms, outreach and education, proven <br />technologies or other options. Options should be reviewed with SWAG and receive public input to help determine the <br />comprehensive systems to be subject to Task 4. <br />Task 4: Create and compare integrated comprehensive systems and select a ‘recommended best’ system. Based on input <br />received on the options evaluated and then selected, combine those highly ranked options into up to three integrated <br />systems, each to include waste reduction, recycling, collection, and ‘final materials management/disposal programs and <br />facilities; approaches to public education and outreach; financial structure, including funding approaches; and suggested, <br />but not necessarily fully detailed legal, administrative, and regulatory structures. <br />The details of any proposed system or systems will be defined and developed with stakeholder input, however if a County <br />integrated materials management facility is to be developed, it is likely to have a significant impact on these systems. Thus, <br />guidelines for system or systems development are offered as follows: <br />A. One system may assume no additional facilities in the County but identify how existing facilities and programs will be <br />better used to achieve greater reduction in waste and/or increased effectiveness; <br />B. One system may assume the development of a full-scale integrated materials management (IMM) facility; and <br />C. Another system may assume some additional facility(ies) that may handle a subset of the recovered materials/waste <br />generated (i.e., transfer station, single-stream processing facility, composting or anaerobic digestion facility, etc.) but not <br />a full-scale IMM Facility at a single location. <br /> <br />Task 5: Report describing, comparing and selecting from among the integrated systems, including the results of the <br />evaluation of integrated systems, the process used to select the final system for implementation, and the final waste <br />reduction, recycling and solid waste management system to be implemented. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 00C54720-9DC0-4A3D-ABED-77E0FD28E0CD
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