Orange County NC Website
Page | 15 <br /> <br /> <br />the University and the University Health Care system plans. Where possible, environmental benefits and drawbacks should <br />include quantitative data. Costs would include, but not be limited to: <br />A. Infrastructure start‐up, <br /> <br />B. Operation and maintenance, <br />C. Public education and outreach, and <br />D. Projected end‐of‐life closure costs, if any. <br />E. The projected types and amount of wastes that would be reduced or diverted from landfills of any and all classes. Gross <br />diversion rates and per capita diversion rates would need to be reported. Waste projections and diversion rates should <br />be for the next 20 to 25 years and clearly state the methodologies used to calculate them. <br />F. Byproducts of the system, if any, and how byproducts can be sold, managed or disposed. <br />G. Specific implementation plans and timelines for each option including any local or state legislation that would be required <br />and a qualitative assessment of regulatory issues. The assessment of any regulatory issues should include a detailed plan <br />on how to secure regulatory approval. <br />H. Provide Examples, where possible, of each option operating in other municipalities at a scale either comparable to <br />Orange County or can be demonstrated that it could operate successfully at an Orange County level. <br />I. Estimate the range of number of direct jobs created, if any. <br />7.3 Public Engagement <br />Develop an equitable and comprehensive public engagement process that effectively includes input by the general public <br />and key interest groups, including the municipal and university partners, in developing the final plan. The process should <br />be designed so as to ensure inclusion of persons and groups that historically have been marginalized in public participation. <br />A. Organize at least 4 public meetings and listening sessions for resident and business input <br /> <br />B. Interview members of Solid Waste Advisory Group, at a minimum, for their input. <br /> <br />C. Interview of key environmental groups. <br />D. Conduct an online survey of residents and businesses within the County/Towns. <br />E. Organize two meetings of Orange County staff and solid waste management staff in surrounding areas to determine <br />regional needs and options. The first meeting should be conducted at the beginning of the contract period to help <br />inform and guide the research and recommendations as it relates to possible regional needs. The second meeting <br />should be conducted as a follow‐up to get input on proposed recommendations. <br />7.4 Recommendations <br />Based on the research conducted and public input the proposer will develop a list of recommendations and a target timeline <br />towards Zero Waste. The timeline should include, at a minimum, key target benchmarks at 10, 20 and 25 <br />years. Additionally, the recommendations in the Solid Waste Master Plan must be done in consultation with the SWAG <br />Committee. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 00C54720-9DC0-4A3D-ABED-77E0FD28E0CD