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PCP OOOOO5S 12 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHI\NGES THE POLICY. <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />contractor's Btanket Additionar Insured EndorsementProducrts - Completed Operati"nr-e- <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the fotowing: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />ins <br />wronl forrth d <br />yrxist:;r::H:tJHJ:?g:: required to add an additionat insured on this poricy, the wrinen contract or <br />1 ' Currenty in effect or becoming effective during the term of this poricy;2' Executed prior to a "bodily injury" "occurrence" or "property damage,, ,,occurrence,,to whichthis insurance would apply; anO <br />- i <br />3. Between a Named Insured ernd the additional insured <br />B' The insurance provided to the additional insured is subject to the following provisions: <br />1 ' That person or organization is an additional insured only.for liability caused by your negligencespecifically resulting from "y'our work" for the additional insured as detailed in the writtencontract or written agreement. <br />2. The Limits of Insurance (Section lll) is amended to include: <br />Thecont e written <br />of th eclaration <br />not i and are <br />lll _ Section <br />3' The insurance provided to the additional insured does not apply to ,.bodily injury,, or ,,propertydamage" arising out of the rendering of, or the failuie to render Lny proie6sional services by youor on your beharf, but onry urith respect to the foilowing operations:a' Providing engine'ering, architectural or surveying services to others in your capacityas an engineer, errchitect or su veyor; andb' Providing, or hiring independent professional firms to provide, engineering,architecturar or srLrrvsying services in connection with construction work youperform. <br />professional services include: <br />c' The preparing, approving, fairing to prepare, approve, maps, shop drawings,opinions, reports, surveys, fieldtrders, change orders, or drawings andspecifications; and <br />d' superuisor or inspection activities performed as part of any related architectural orengineering activities. <br />e' However, professional services do not include services within construction means,m.ethods, techniques,.sequences and procedures empr,cyeo Lvl"u in connectionwith your operaticlns in your capacity as a construction contractor. <br />Includes copyrighted materier of Insurance services office, Inc., with its permission, <br />Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc.. 1997 <br />cG 70 24 03 09 <br />Page 1 of2 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 436EBEB0-5FC6-4C32-9B4B-2E3D03020137