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8 <br /> Unassigned Fund Balance <br /> The FY2020-21 Budget implemented a number of expenditure austerity measures intended to maintain <br /> fiscal flexibility. The Budget included a hiring freeze, did not provide a wage adjustment for employees, <br /> suspended employee performance rewards, and suspended all conference,training, and travel expenses. <br /> These intentional austerity measures, along with other restrained spending in departments, resulted in <br /> actual expenditures that were under the budgeted amounts. This means that the $8.2 million fund <br /> balance appropriation used to balance the FY2020-21 budget was not required. Of that $8.2 million <br /> appropriation,$1.9 million was used to balance the FY2021-22 Budget,$2.3 million was applied to achieve <br /> the sixteen percent unassigned fund balance target based on increased budgeted expenditures, and the <br /> remaining$4 million is available for one time expenditure. <br /> Framework for Investments <br /> Based on the factors cited above,this proposed framework for investment includes a total of$3.38 million <br /> in recurring expenses and $8.61 million in non-recurring expenses. <br /> o Opportunity Gap Reduction and Student Mental Health Support Fund -$1.5 million <br /> Both school districts highlighted two priorities in their expansion budget requests for FY2021-22, <br /> closing the racial and ethnic opportunity gap and addressing the mental health of students. In <br /> response to that request, this proposal creates an Opportunity Gap Reduction and Mental Health <br /> Support fund that would be exclusively dedicated to those priorities. <br /> The resources contained in this fund would be allocated, as required, by average daily membership. <br /> Based average daily membership reported in October 2021, Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools would <br /> receive$868,500,and Orange County Schools would receive$631,500. This fund would exist outside <br /> of the districts'current expense budgets to emphasize this investment as it relates to the Board's goal <br /> of promoting equity and social justice in the community. The fund is anticipated to be a recurring <br /> expense. As proposed, each District would propose a spending plan each year with key performance <br /> indicators which could not supplant current spending. The districts would have the flexibility to <br /> determine the amount of funds used to address each priority area. <br /> o Employee Wage Adjustment-$1.9 million <br /> Orange County employees have not received an across the board wage adjustment for two years. <br /> Employees did receive a one-time pandemic relief payment of$900 per employee, but this payment <br /> was not applied to base wages. Employees in surrounding jurisdictions received wage increases <br /> between two percent (2%) to five percent (5%) this fiscal year. The second proposed recurring <br /> investment is in Orange County employees with a 3.0% wage adjustment that will be retroactive to <br /> July 1, 2021. <br /> o Outside Agency Base Budget Funding-$1.7 million <br /> The FY2021-22 Budget recommended funding the entire Outside Agency budget using American <br /> Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. However,the new reporting requirements associated with the use of <br /> ARPA funds would require outside agencies of all sizes to track expenses and submit reports on a level <br /> that they have not been required to do before and many may not have the administrative capacity to <br /> complete. <br /> If one of these sub-recipients were to fail to produce the required documentation,the County's overall <br /> compliance could be jeopardized. Therefore, this plan replaces ARPA funds with general fund <br /> 3 <br />