<br />
<br />4~~~/92 ~, r, „p ~, C h acleS C. ~av~if.l,
<br />PUBLICATIONS (continued)
<br />Daniel, 0. C., III. 1981, Application of statistically derived criteria to
<br />Bite selection and construction of high-yield water wells in the Piedmont
<br />and 81ue Ridge provinces of North Carolina: Proceedings of the 1987
<br />Alabama water Resources Conference, Alabama Water and You; October 1957,
<br />p. 44~-45 .
<br />Denial, 0. C., III, 198?, Use of statistical data in selecting water well
<br />altar in the Piedmnnt of North Carolina: A case study tabs.): Geological
<br />Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 2, p. 61.
<br />Harned, D. A., and Danierl, C, C., III, 1907, Ground-water aompanent of
<br />Piedmont streams: Implications for ground-water supply systems and land-
<br />use planning tabs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with
<br />Programs, v. 19, no. 2, p.. 89.
<br />L~.oyd, O. 8., Jr., and Daniel, C. C.,.III, 1988, Hydrologic setting, water
<br />levels,~and quality o£ water from supply walls at the U.S. Marine Corps
<br />Air Station, Cherry point, North Carolina: V.9. Geol,ogioal 9urvay Water-
<br />Reaourcea Investigations Report 68-4039, 76 p.
<br />Lloyd, 0. Fi., Jr., wad traniel, C. C., 21x,,1988, Distribution, source, and
<br />aigaificance of ae7.ected organic compounds in water from the Castle Hayne
<br />aquifer, Cherry Point, North Carolina: in Proceedings of the Sympoaivm
<br />on Coastal Water Ramourcea, May 22-25, 1988, Wi].mi.ngton, North Carolina:
<br />American'Water Rssources Association, 1986 Annual Heating, p. 519-530.
<br />Daniel, 0.C., III, 1989, Techniques for maximizing sustained yields from
<br />eater xella in £rac:tuzed crystal.lina rocks of the Piedmont of North
<br />Carolina tabs.): t'sological Society of America Abstraota with
<br />Programs, v. 21., no. 3, p. 11.
<br />Daniel, C,C., III, 1989, Correlation of wall yield to well depth and diameter
<br />in fractured crystzriline rocks, xorth Carolina .tabs.): in Program with
<br />Abatracta, Coaferezwe on Ground Water in the Piedmont of the Eastern
<br />Vaitad States. Octaber~l6-18, 1989, Charlotte, North Carolina: Ground
<br />Water in the Piedmont, Clamaoa Vniversity, Clemson, South Carolina, p.19.
<br />Harned, D.A., and Daniel., C.C., III, 2.989, The transition zone between bedrock
<br />and regollth: conduit for contamination? tabs.): in Program with
<br />Abstraats, Conference on Ground water is the Piedmont of the Eastern
<br />United States, October 16-1.8, 1989, Charlotte, North Carolina: Ground
<br />Water in the Piedmnnt, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina, p.25.
<br />Daniel, C, 0., IIi, 1989, Statistical analysis relating wall yield to
<br />construotion praoti.cea and siting of wells in the Piedmont and slue Ridgm
<br />proviacea of Nortb Carolina: U.S. Geological Water-Supply Paper 2341-A,
<br />27 p.
<br />Daniel, C.C., III, 1990, Comparison of selected hydrogzaph separation
<br />techniques fox eati.matinq ground-water recharge £rom streamflow records
<br />tabs,): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 22,
<br />no. 4, p. 9.
<br />Murray, L.C., Jr., and Daniel, C.0., III, 199D, Hydrogeologic and water-
<br />quality data from Drell clusters near the waatawatar-treatment plant,
<br />9.5. Marine Corps Id.r Statioa, Cherry Point, North Carolina: V.S.
<br />Geological Survey Irpea-File Report 89-615, 56 p.
<br />Daniel, C. C., III, 199(1, Evaluation o£ site-selection criteria, well design,
<br />monitoring techniques, and cost analysis for a gronnd-water supply in
<br />Piedmont crystnllis~a rocks, North Carolina: V.S. Geological Survey
<br />Water-Supply Paper 2341-a, 35 p.
<br />Daniel;, C.C., III, and Fayne, R,A „ 1990, Hydrogeologic unit map of the
<br />Piedmont and Blue Fadge Provinces of North Carolina: II.3. Geological
<br />Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report, 90-4035, scale 1:500,000,
<br />1 sheet.
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