Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> 118 130 OH us CONSERVATION,em §113130 <br /> a i <br /> (ID) Landholder. <br /> iF tr whe' dual resident nonresident,owning' v <br /> land g <br /> State or,when he is one <br /> the land, leasing land in this State for acmrsl purposes <br /> (2) Owner, Ownership. As for personal property, of tnPersons <br /> 11'7414 5 havgbeneficial p and not to those holding l title fbp right n as for real propel n refers te ons ha the e <br /> k right of control,possession,and enjoyment,whether as t t fee <br /> dWder beneficiary of trust, use Provided, that t <br /> definition dose not i lute lessees of property except where the lease <br /> arang8e� t device t facilitate what substance <br /> sale of the the <br /> (3) Person. �individual, <br /> or any partnership, firm, tion, <br /> corporation, or other group of-individuals capable of suing or being <br /> sued a t <br /> "t3 t (4) Resident In the of <br /> a. Individuals —. One ho at th tune in question has resided in <br /> '6j - North Carolina for the P ding the or has been dean <br /> ailed in North Carolina for the preceding CO days.When domicile <br /> in the State for a period of 60 days up to six months is the basis <br /> for establishing residence, the individual must sign a certificate <br /> a on form supplied by the Department .the Wildlife Resources <br /> y. y hestating t3 necessary facts and <br /> ,:. " the intent to establish domicile here. <br /> b. Corporations --A o v which laws <br /> chartered under the la <br /> e North" at N Carolina and M1 <br /> principal office within the State <br /> c, Partnerships, Apartnership all part residents <br /> of s <br /> fNrthC l and which h - is principal B the State <br /> . <br /> d Other Associations d G p Fitting the Definition f P soa- <br /> < An association or group principally composed of"Indnadual resi- <br /> dents of North Carolina, 'th is principal office, if any, in the <br /> State, and organized for a purpose that contemplates m ore <br /> -insolvement or contact with this State than any other state.e. Military Personnel and Their Dependents. A member of the <br /> AA <br /> armed forces of the United States stationed at a military facility <br /> dt� <br /> in North C his spouse,and any dependent der 18 years <br /> of age siding with him are deemed residents of th State,of <br /> county in which they live, d also,if different, of any county in <br /> winch the 14 ry facility is located. <br /> . (4a) To Buy Purchase —Includes purchase hange of property,or <br /> an offer or attempt to purchase or exchange,for money or any other <br /> valuable mvsidera0ion <br /> (5) To Fish. To take fish <br /> aE (5a) To Hunt To take wild animals or wild birds. <br /> 16. (6) To Sell' Sale. Includes a sale or exchange of property.or an offer or empt ti atywdp ato sell or exchange for money any other valuable <br /> (7) To Take. All operations during immediately preparatory end <br /> immediately subsequent to an attempt, whether successful or not,to <br /> corm <br /> y� w <br /> i - <br /> any kill,pursue,hunt,eroNareiources. or reduce to possession <br /> p3 fish wildlife <br /> (7a) To Trap To r de pt animals wild birds trapping <br /> (8) <br /> the wafer Every descnption e watercraft,a means splam on other <br /> on of being used 2tr 18;1979, <br /> { *� . 530,6 r 11966 .goy,e.2;1971, 705, _3;1879, . 1262 16,1999, <br /> r_ r <br /> .s. 672 <br /> 1'44114 :45. <br />