Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> appropriate resources. Most of these youth are not eligible for other foster care funds and the <br /> Department of Social Services will utilize these funds to meet some of their needs such as purchasing <br /> household items, clothing, and travel funds to return to the community, and short term housing while <br /> also providing counseling and referrals to appropriate resources. <br /> Support for Low Income Families—Department of Social Services: $25,000 <br /> This project will provide funding support to low-income families that have experienced barriers <br /> to employment and/or access to essential services created or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. <br /> Department of Social Services will assist in reducing barriers to transportation by directly paying <br /> transportation providers, supplying gas cards, paying vehicle repair costs, etc. Other support may <br /> include equipment or supplies need for obtaining or retaining employment, emergency needs, items for <br /> health and safety, or costs to safely quarantine when necessary. <br /> Unassigned: $17,210,060 <br /> This funding is reserved for future allocations. All funds must be encumbered by December <br /> 2024. <br />