Agenda 12-14-21; 5-b - Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Zoning Atlas - Eno Economic Development District (EDD)
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Agenda - 12-14-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda 12-14-21; 5-b - Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Zoning Atlas - Eno Economic Development District (EDD)
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Last modified
12/9/2021 2:42:40 PM
Creation date
12/9/2021 2:24:12 PM
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Agenda for December 14, 2021 BOCC Meeting
\BOCC Archives\Agendas\Agendas\2021\Agenda - 12-14-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
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14 <br /> Approved 12.1.21 <br /> 109 Perdita Holtz: There were 6 residents that attended the public information meeting and they just had basic zoning <br /> 110 questions. Mostly,they were concerned about being able to continue to have their single family residences. I fielded a <br /> 111 handful of phone calls that were basic zoning questions of what it means for their property. <br /> 112 <br /> 113 Whitney Watson: I see that this change, the EDD has been in place for a number of years. If in the future Durham does <br /> 114 have additional capacity how difficult would it be to convert these areas back to ED-1 or ED-2? <br /> 115 <br /> 116 Perdita Holtz: It would be the same process as what we're doing now. It is within the primary service area of the <br /> 117 WASMPBA agreement and this area is designated as primary service area which means extension of public water and <br /> 118 sewer would be allowed. That's one of the roadblocks of putting non-residential zoning outside of those designated <br /> 119 primary service areas. That would not occur in this case it would be a rezoning process and a Future Land Use Map <br /> 120 process like we are going through right now to change it back if there were any changes in the future. <br /> 121 <br /> 122 Adam Beeman: Hillsborough has no intention of expanding their water and sewer? <br /> 123 <br /> 124 Perdita Holtz: Not to this area, not this far east. My understanding is that they are concerned that their existing growth <br /> 125 areas are the sewer capacity that they will be able to handle. <br /> 126 <br /> 127 MOTION BY Kim Piracci to approve the recommendation to the BOCC on the Statement of Consistency and the proposed <br /> 128 ordinance as shown in Attachment 1 and Attachment 2. Seconded by Statler Gilfillen. <br /> 129 <br /> 130 ROLLCALL VOTE: <br /> 131 Charity Kirk Yes <br /> 132 Susan Hunter Yes <br /> 133 Lamar Proctor Yes <br /> 134 Kim Piracci Yes <br /> 135 Adam Beeman Yes <br /> 136 Statler Gilfillen Yes <br /> 137 Carrie Fletcher Yes <br /> 138 Melissa Poole Yes <br /> 139 Whitney Watson Yes <br /> 140 Randy Marshall Yes <br /> 141 David Blankfard Yes <br /> 142 MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY <br /> 143 ****** <br />
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