Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> Approved 12.1.21 <br /> 55 way down the highway and they're just going to go to other counties to spend their money because we don't want to deal <br /> 56 with waste. <br /> 57 <br /> 58 Lamar Proctor: Orange County doesn't have any water and sewer infrastructure anywhere close to this area. <br /> 59 <br /> 60 Perdita Holtz: Orange County doesn't have water and sewer infrastructure at all. It's all with other entities, municipalities, <br /> 61 OWASA and Orange Alamance Water System in Efland. <br /> 62 <br /> 63 Lamar Proctor: These 100+acres, if they are rezoned back to R-1, does there need to be a shift anywhere else. Is there <br /> 64 some master amount of acreage that needs to be a certain zone? <br /> 65 <br /> 66 Perdita Holtz: No,the EDD districts that are affiliated with the Eno and Buckhorn Districts are 2 areas that do not actually <br /> 67 require non-residential to hook up to a public water and sewer system. <br /> 68 <br /> 69 David Blankfard: Is it common that NC counties are not in the water and sewer business? <br /> 70 <br /> 71 Perdita Holtz: It's more common than not. They can be but it's a very expensive endeavor. To build and maintain a <br /> 72 wastewater treatment plant is a lot of money, 10s and 10s of millions of dollars and then there's the upkeep. A lot of <br /> 73 permitting because of discharge into rivers and streams or you have to use spray irrigation. It's more common that <br /> 74 counties are in the water business where they have a water system but no sewer system. <br /> 75 <br /> 76 Charity Kirk: It the area of the map(yellow)the area of higher density is that R-2? <br /> 77 <br /> 78 Perdita Holtz: It is,that's Whispering Pines Subdivision and it's R-2 zoning and the difference is minimum lot sizes and <br /> 79 setback requirements,the list of uses is the same. R-1 is what the County Commissioners initiated and why the proposal <br /> 80 is for R-1. The lots in Whispering Pines subdivision are much smaller than any of the lots around and that is because of <br /> 81 the R-2 zoning. <br /> 82 <br /> 83 Charity Kirk: If this is an economic development zone it makes more sense to encourage density. <br /> 84 <br /> 85 Perdita Holtz: I believe the County Commissioners are acting as though they do not want it to be an economic <br /> 86 development area any more in areas 1 and 2 on this map. When they initiated the amendments they didn't give a reason <br /> 87 but from what I've been able to gather, it has to do with the lack of water and sewer and also wanting to have residential <br /> 88 where there is existing residential and not have conversion of those lots to other uses. <br /> 89 <br /> 90 Charity Kirk: The Board of Commissioners seem to know that they want. The point of this is just to recommend that they <br /> 91 do it or not? <br /> 92 <br /> 93 Perdita Holtz: Under statute,the Planning Board makes a recommendation on all Comprehensive Plan and Zoning <br /> 94 Amendments and so this is the prescribed process that has to happen. <br /> 95 <br /> 96 Charity Kirk: Is there a reason we shouldn't recommend it to the R-2? <br /> 97 <br /> 98 Perdita Holtz: The short answer is no. Also keep in mind the vast majority of these parcels in 37.7 acres and 74.5 acre <br /> 99 area already have houses on them. <br /> 100 <br /> 101 Charity Kirk: So you don't suggest that would be a good idea because they're already developed and we don't want to <br /> 102 have to go through and review lot size with the existing owners. <br /> 103 <br /> 104 Perdita Holtz: Correct. <br /> 105 <br /> 106 Statler Gilfillen: At the core this is downzoning, if I were a property owner and would be more restricted of the use of my <br /> 107 property long-term, I might have comments or questions. Can you tell us the level of public response to this? <br /> 108 <br />