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8 <br /> Approved December 1, 2021 <br /> 54 Michael Harvey: We would seek an order of cessation and abatement through the court system. We could not seek criminal <br /> 55 charges any longer. The federal or state governments may be able to seek some sort of criminal redress but we cannot. <br /> 56 <br /> 57 Perdita Holtz: The UDO deals with land use issues and there are other laws that apply to nuclear waste being dumped so 1 <br /> 58 don't want people to go away thinking this is the only way for recourse. <br /> 59 <br /> 60 Lamar Proctor: As a prosecutor of Orange County for 13 years, I have only had one case referred to me and that was by the <br /> 61 Carrboro Planning Department. The criminal court is really poorly equipped to deal with these sorts of cases that deal with <br /> 62 injunctions and civil penalties. You are much better off seeking injunctive relief and civil relief. If there's an environmental <br /> 63 problem or violation that gets to the level of state statutes,then the State Department of Environment Quality will jump in,the <br /> 64 AG's office and I have dealt with that. I had a case once with illegal sewage that was going into a stream. If it gets to a certain <br /> 65 level, state authorities would jump in. <br /> 66 <br /> 67 Carrie Fletcher: What initiated this? <br /> 68 <br /> 69 Michael Harvey: I wish I could tell you. I'm sure that local district attorneys did not want to deal with some of the idiosyncrasies <br /> 70 of a land use issue through a criminal proceeding. The burden of proof becomes more difficult for criminal proceedings versus <br /> 71 seeking an injunction or getting payment for civil penalty. It's probably an attempt to try to guarantee a more effective use of <br /> 72 the court's time. This only impacts the methods available with respect to the enforcement of local land use regulations. <br /> 73 <br /> 74 Kim Piracci: Mine is more of a comment than a question. I actually feel better that Lamar feels ok with this because if he didn't <br /> 75 feel ok with it I would really feel not ok with it. In my mind there's what's legal and there's what's moral and ethical.Just <br /> 76 because the state is saying this, I can imagine a situation where there is a land use violation and it's pretty extreme and this <br /> 77 person doesn't care because nothing is really going to happen. Financially, he or she is going to come out ahead by breaking <br /> 78 the law so even though we have to do this, I'm going to vote no. I feel like this is a tool that might come in handy sometime <br /> 79 somewhere. I'm not trying to convince anybody else that they have to vote my way, I'm not getting it. <br /> 80 <br /> 81 Michael Harvey: I respect your opinion. Unfortunately, this is not something that we're going to have the authority under state <br /> 82 law to pursue. I'm not saying that you are not entitled to your opinion and I'm certainly not saying you are wrong in an attempt <br /> 83 to diminish the value of your opinion. What I am saying is that the law no longer gives me this as a viable option to address an <br /> 84 identified violation of a local land use law. This is what I've been asked to do, state law no longer gives me the authority to do it <br /> 85 so we are eliminating it because state law has taken it out of our toolbox. <br /> 86 <br /> 87 Kim Piracci: Right, and it doesn't matter how we vote the County Commissioners are going to do what they need to do <br /> 88 anyway. <br /> 89 <br /> 90 Michael Harvey: Where we have violations that transcend land use issues,we've always had willing partnerships at the state <br /> 91 level to assist us and we not only involve state offices but also Orange County Solid Waste. I think that we have enough <br /> 92 arrows in the quiver to address the problem and effectively guarantee compliance. Yes,there's a component of the <br /> 93 enforcement strategy being eliminated, I don't think it's that effective. <br /> 94 <br /> 95 Lamar Proctor: I do think that the State Legislature seems to have streamlined things for developers to make things easier for <br /> 96 economic development and I think part of that is because developers and lobbyist didn't want to be subject to criminal penalties <br /> 97 if something goes sideways on a land use thing. It could be an attempt to remove any threat for criminal prosecution. I do <br /> 98 understand Kim's point. Removing criminal penalties for egregious land use violations feels wrong but I agree with Michael <br /> 99 that most DA offices don't want to deal with those sort of cases. This doesn't strike me as giving away the environment. <br /> 100 <br /> 101 <br /> 102 AGENDA ITEM 4: ADJOURNMENT <br /> 103 The ORC session was adjourned at 8:04 p.m. <br /> 104 <br /> 2 <br />