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30 <br /> Commissioner Bedford petitioned for there to be a presentation at a work session in the <br /> future to include information about PFPC and its operations, so the Board has more <br /> information. She said she realizes that data pulled right now is not necessarily accurate, due to <br /> the pandemic. She said staff might need a longer time frame, and she would like to let the <br /> Manager work with Executive Director, Eric Hallman, to determine when to gather a good data <br /> set. She said having data that can take a longer, deeper view. She proposed changing the <br /> contract to 2 years, as 5 years is a long time. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she likes the idea of getting data, and knowing what <br /> percentage of clients are going on to other successful venues. She said PFPC is supposed to <br /> serve as an incubator, and having an update on it would be useful. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she is the Board's representative on this board of directors. <br /> She said her sense is that the BOD would welcome the opportunity to share more information <br /> as well as observations of the board's composition. She said these are known needs, and the <br /> BOD welcomes the criticism and opportunity to explain the history of the board. She said there <br /> are only a few clients who stay for a long period of time, and most move on successfully. She <br /> said two years is a reasonable amount of time. <br /> Chair Price said it is always good to look at and review entities for any potential <br /> changes. <br /> Eric Hallman said he appreciates what Commissioner Bedford brought up. He said the <br /> goal with the contract would be to present to the Board regularly. He said he hopes to have two <br /> commissioners at a time come to facility, as it is well known nationally. He said <br /> entrepreneurship is the way to do economic development. He said the reason this came up <br /> fast is because the Golden Leaf foundation gave a grant, and one condition was to have an <br /> agreement in place. He said PFPC planned to come present to the Board, but the timeline from <br /> Golden Leaf was pushed forward as it was going to rescind the money. He said that is why this <br /> item is on the consent agenda without any background information. He said the facility is <br /> amazing, creating revenue as well as jobs. He said the county supports with free rent, but no <br /> operational costs. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford, seconded by Commissioner Greene, to <br /> approve a management services agreement between Piedmont Food Processing Center <br /> (PFPC), amended for a term of two years. <br /> Roll call ensued <br /> VOTE: UNANMIOUS <br /> 9. County Manager's Report <br /> Bonnie Hammersley brought attention to census item on consent agenda. She said <br /> there is an information item that looks more closely at Orange County and NC census results. <br /> She said another information item includes the status of 2016 Bond Referendum projects from <br /> both school districts. <br /> 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> John Roberts said the General Assembly has been focused on redistricting, and he <br /> anticipates a flood of bills to be passed by legislature after they get this issue dealt with. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if there is any information about how school funding will <br /> increase based on the decision of the Leandro v. State of North Carolina. <br /> Chair Price said the schools have an idea of what they may receive. <br />