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27 <br /> Commissioner Greene asked about the gap for the housing locator and thought that <br /> position had already been funded. <br /> Rachel Waltz said the Housing Access Coordinator position was funded, which focuses <br /> 80% of time on system level issues like landlord recruitment and retention, building <br /> collaboration to increase affordable housing stock in the community that is willing to partner with <br /> rental subsidies, etc. She said this position spends the remaining 20% of its time is dedicated <br /> to individualized housing searches for people with multiple barriers. She said a Housing <br /> Locator position would strictly provide the individualized housing search. <br /> Commissioner Greene said this position originated at Community Empowerment Fund <br /> (CEF) and got transferred to the county. <br /> Rachel Waltz said that part is currently happening, and Christopher Jackson came on <br /> board the end of June and he engages in the landlord recruitment and reaches out to landlords <br /> and builds relationships. She said he came from the Durham Housing Authority, and is focused <br /> on providing high quality rentals. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if the difference between the Housing Access and <br /> Housing Locator positions could be explained. <br /> Rachel Waltz said the locator would have an individualized role with people searching <br /> for housing. She said the Current Housing Access Coordinator is only able to do a portion of <br /> that. <br /> Commissioner Greene recalled a past presentation from Corey Root where then <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked how much money would be required to fund the gaps and <br /> therefore end homelessness in Orange County, but then COVID happened and it got lost. She <br /> asked if staff can reestablish what amount of money it would take to end homelessness in <br /> Orange County and begin that conversation again with colleagues in municipalities. <br /> Rachel Waltz said the OCPEH Leadership Team will vote on whether or not to adopt the <br /> updated gaps analysis at its November meeting and will present that information to the BOCC <br /> thereafter. <br /> Corey Root said staff is also working on updated gaps numbers for American Rescue <br /> Plan Act (ARPA) funding. <br /> Commissioner Richards said there are a couple of gaps that community partners may <br /> be able to help fill, and asked if that is factored into the gaps analysis. She said the reentry <br /> project involved churches that came forward willing to provide goods and services to help <br /> people. <br /> Corey Root said there are lots of different entities and people needed to fill these gaps. <br /> Commissioner Richards asked if there is an outreach person who does that in terms of <br /> community organization. <br /> Corey Root said she and Rachel Waltz do that, plus service providers. She said these <br /> gaps are a galvanizing tool for the community. She said there has been success in partnering <br /> with community organizations to address the gaps, and highlighted some examples. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if the percentage of newly homeless is increasing <br /> because of job losses as result of COVID is known. She asked where the newly homeless are <br /> coming from within the County, and how mental health and domestic violence play a factor. <br /> She said this type of information helps Board understand what is needed and how much. She <br /> asked if there is a reason why there is not 24-hour bathroom access, and where, when, how, <br /> they could exist. She asked if other communities have addressed this need successfully. <br /> Corey Root said there was a task force pre-COVID with the Town of Chapel Hill to <br /> discuss public bathrooms for all residents. She said these bathrooms need to be in downtown <br /> Chapel Hill or Carrboro, preferably with a shower option. She said there was a pilot project that <br /> was set to move forward in March 2020, which needs to be picked back up. <br /> Commissioner Hamilton asked if funding was identified for the pilot project. <br />