Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked if reviewers gave feedback about the requests that were <br /> not recommended for funding related to that project. <br /> Chair Price said there were comments that some of the items should just be part of the <br /> design anyway. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said the county had to say no to some of the things because, all <br /> together, it is beyond what is affordable, and what the county builds goes into debt service. She <br /> said this does seem like a reasonable use to her, and Brennan Bouma has said this is about <br /> community ideas. She said it does bring out the idea that the County, schools, and other <br /> government entities cannot always afford extra things that would actually be beneficial for <br /> cliamte action. She said she is not opposed to funding things like this with this resource, and <br /> hopes the schools will think creatively in applying for this funding. <br /> Chair Price said the abstract mentions interest from private entities but in the end they <br /> did not apply. She asked if private entities identified a reason for this. <br /> Brennan Bouma said the private entity expressing interest was brought into the <br /> conversation by one of the community advocates pulling together the Neighborhood Energy <br /> Resiliency Project. He said the administration of a grant program was beyond the interest of <br /> the private entity. He said at that point, the neighborhood advocate contacted the NC <br /> sustainability association. <br /> Chair Price said it would be good to try to continue gathering those explanantions in <br /> case the funding is expanded to additonal groups in the future and the process can be made <br /> easier for them. She said other than that, she was impressed by the innovative ideas. She <br /> said it seems, without the eprogram, they may not have happened or would have taken longer <br /> to do. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she appreciates the advisory boards who scored the <br /> projects and agrees with their recommendations. She said she is happy to go to 26 points as a <br /> solution to putting more emphasis on social justice aspect. She asked if solar was part of the <br /> original design for the 203 project. <br /> Steve Arndt said it has been under consideration throughout the design, but due to <br /> budgetary constraints was listed as an alternate if funding was available. He said he mentioned <br /> this grant to the Town of Carrboro, and recommended applying. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if the amount is enough to cover both the solar and green <br /> roof. <br /> Steve Arndt said he thinks this will be enough to fund both. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said hopefully the Town will get this amount and can apply again <br /> in two weeks for the next round of funding. <br /> Steve Arndt said yes, because the project will extend over time. <br /> Commissioner Bedford asked if the payback period for solar panels is known. <br /> Steve Arndt said payback period has continued to go down over the years, and is under <br /> a 10 year payback now. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she wants to support these recommendations and if the <br /> County Manager wanted to bring a budget amendment to fully fund the ask from other capital <br /> funds she would be supportive. <br /> Steve Ardnt said okay. <br /> Commissioner Greene said this is a very thoughtful set of recommendations to a very <br /> excellent set of proposals, and she is glad the advisory boards score them because they bring <br /> important perspective. She said money is going towards projects that those who initally <br /> supported the tax wanted to see it do: projects that mitiage climate change, that would not <br /> otherwise be possible due to a lack of funding. She said she is happy to endorse the <br /> recommendations, and adding the additional point to the rubric. <br />