Orange County NC Website
SFy Coverweion Eusemem D.ajr ll-I9-dl 9 <br />However, wlesa otharwiecspccified blow, nothing in Ihia Conservetiov Hnsvnmteball require <br />the Cgmtors to ~ske any anion m restore the mvditiov of the Easmsmt Area after my sot of Cod <br />r olfier event overwluch Crzeniors had no contruL Granmrs unders[avd iha[m[higginthis <br />Corte rve[ion Eaeemmt relieves them ofany obligation m restriction on the nse ofdre Eescmrnt <br />Area imposed bylaw. <br />2. EASEMENT AREA USES .My activity oq or use of the Easement Area <br />moon¢istmt withtlao purposes of Ibis Conservation Pasement is prbibited. The EEatlnmt Area <br />stall be maintained in ila nazurvl, scenic and open corWiliuv and realricted fivm any development <br />that would lmpalr or interfere wrth WO COnservalion values oRFa Eaaemmt Area •Ythoot <br />'limiting Ne geuaslityof We foregoing,the following isaliativ6Of actividea and uses which are <br />apmssly prohibited or whicfi are exprcasly avow W. Grmtors antl Crtm[w have determined that <br />the vllnwed nedvitiee do vot wtpav the conservation values o[[he Easemml Ares. Additioral <br />retained rights ol'Granton are sn foah in Paragraph 3 below. <br />2.1 Subdiv ao and Res dmfist Oee. The portlon oftlre Easuvm[MCa <br />mduded iu Lot I-R may be mbdivided, pmQdoned, ar oovvayed inm no more than two lots as <br />definedby Exhibit B to this Conservation Easemmt: one pvreel of oppmximaely 14.32 acres iv <br />tzc that hmludes Ihn Grmmcs'resldmceend is idmfifi~ eu Exlilbit B ae Paoel l-A, and the <br />olha lot of appmnmmely 18.62 sines In size ardidcnd-ed on Exhifiit- as Paroel 1-R. Only <br />wepamavmtr«idence i¢ndowed on Paccl l-A. No permanent residrncc may be covawctcd <br />on Paccl l-B. Only due permanem residence maybe cousWCicd ov Lol2, and this Iraatmay <br />oat he suM1divitletl or parti[ioved. <br />2 2 S:ovsvvction. trtvnmrs shall Lave Ne right to construct and mvivmiv two, <br />and ovly iwq pmnwmt msideuo withiv the Easement Area The 5mtro5dmca cuamtly <br />ex1aK on the 14 32-ecm Paccl l-Ag Tfie second msidmce may be located on Lo[ 2 and within a <br />Roeidoutiel Envelope idmlifi~ on P.xhibi[ B. Grmtors may coushnol ddvcweyq utilities and <br />wells to save tM1e two resideooes. Graniom may also amsauet wtbnildings fr agdculmv6 <br />Iwai<ulrurnl, edueefiorwl, atiede or recreazional purposes or forthev omrhomabeead small <br />bu¢hte¢a so long ee mNOrizcd by Orange County mvinS regulation and consatm[withpermits <br />r«Inired by and issued by Orange County undo its laws and ordwmces for snch buildings and <br />Ind uses. No other atrucrwes may beplsocdmmmmrcvA On Me Pasemmt Area. <br />Fur[M1amoro, thQeahn- be no oonirnting m placing of any racreatioml court, airplvne 1®ding <br />strip, billboad or other advcrtisin%diSPlay, uElitypolc, utilitytower, wMtrit or Ene eu or above <br />Ne tlasemeut Mee oWcr than those necessary to service the Easement Arm's impmvemm[s. <br />Outdoor lighiwg shall be placed asd shielded sn n to mtvimize the impact on surrounding areas. <br />2.3 Existinoimoro mwla. Grmtors shall have ifienght somainsain; <br />emodel, std repelr mietirrg etrucmres water tanks, water wells, [eon, header dams, ntilitlee, <br />and oMer impmvemrnte, and in the event ofthev deahuotloq to maovewa my each misting <br />~mprovamrnts witM1 another of simile size, fintcdoq capxcily, lowrion end material so long n <br />autM1oriced by Orvnge C urrty zoning regulations and comistm[with peanits rcquved by and <br />tssned by Orange County muter its taws and ordwevow far such rauonumuuion. <br />