Orange County NC Website
Shy Cone~erwtion Em~emem Or f 11-19-d1 11 <br />bm not Gmitedto,hiking, picuickWg, horseback riding,non-momrizcdbicychng, lawful hunting <br />and fivhing, and otM1m recreational aces char require no M1uildings, futilities, svrfine eltmvtion or <br />other dcvclopmcutotthc land 1'mauit o[wildlifc by mry [ocm o[mownzcd teavsportatiov ie not <br />vllnwed. Gran~ars may also nstrvct and maintain frnca, footpmhs, and or -motorizM <br />vehicle [rails incidental to sm:hputpuses. Cnavtors reserves Ne right lp promW%ele mdeWbrte <br />sonable roles avd mgulatiovs for all activities iv<idevt to recreatioml rise of the Easevlen[ <br />Area, Wcludiug but not Waited to the right to prohibit avy retmatiprW use that woWd permit <br />deslructiav of the aonecnatiov values of the Eusemmt Area. <br />2.9 E„ca acv lgy.'Ihcrc shall be nv Ntivg, excavatiua drWging, miving er <br />~trillmg vo rmnoval of lopaoil, sand, grovel, rock, peat, minerals or other materiels, mod na <br />change in the mpogmphy ofthe lend in avy mmmm except as vixcesary to allow a) the <br />wnslmetipn ofthe improvrmrnte allowed above, b) lha m:dmanmw ofmads, hiking honabwk <br />and von-molo@oed vehicle trails purmiued hereunder, c) the combefing of wsiml or flooding, <br />oriel d) the cnnstrumion nfone additiomd pond m be located approaimalely sa shown ov Exltibit <br />B. ihcpond shWlnot cxwNtwo acres in siia. <br />2.10 Destrmfon ofPlan[s. Grantvm shell have the rightmw[ai amove <br />diseased base, shmbs, rolha plants, erW to cm! breaks Granmrs shall also have the right to <br />cut and remove aces.. s}vuhs, m nthmplant to azcommodate the activities expressly allowed <br />under this Conservation Easement. 1L<re shall be no additional removal, harvesting, destruction <br />tuning aLvtivctmv, shrubs or other plants P wpt fm use around impmvemwts err iv <br />geNens, there shalt be vp planlivg vfnon-votive treed, sln'ubs, yr oMer plants m the Eeeemwt <br />Area. Purthermom, except to awuvwodatc the ulivities expressly permitted in this evsement, <br />Here shall be no use vffenilizers, plowing, wtroducfion of non-votive a~timals, or distmbancc or <br />eh®gein tltermturW habitat in v~y mmmm. <br />2.11 Water Oual'tva dDrn'nunv PV ems. Thmeshall be no pullmion of <br />surface warm, nattval water comets, lakca, ponds, marches, subsurthce water err any other water <br />bodies, nor shell activities be covdueted on the Easement Amer that would be deMmrntel to water <br />pmiTy or, except as specified broom IM1at mould alterthe natural wa[m Icvel or ^vw N or over Ne <br />-asemm[ Area. Other than [he constmetiov of a well to smve allowed impmvemevta avd <br />onsbu<Ifov of one povd within the EaecmevtArca as provided in Section 2.9 aM1wa, there shall <br />be m Wramnon or depletion of swfzce water, vowral worst oomeee, lakes, povda manhee, <br />subsmfaze wa[ermany orbs watmhodies nn the Easement Arca. Diking, drWWvg, tilting or <br />oval ofwetlvads is prohibited L'Ranm[9 ea therighuo exvrad warm fivm the existing <br />pond for irri%ation ofPlavtin&s wiWiv theE~mrc Ana. <br />2.14 W¢nare_No sigva or billbuaNs or othmvdvmdsingdisplays ma allowed <br />on the Pasenrent Area except ere follows: signs authorized by Ormge County wviag regulativvs <br />whose placement, number xrW design do not signiScaMly dimiWshihe scenic character ofthe <br />Eosamenv Araa may M1e displayed ro idwdify Ireils and the wvservmion values ofthe -uemevt <br />Area, to idwtify thename and adihess of me Aasemmt Area aM the names ofpemove I[ving ov <br />the Eaecmwl Arse, to pve direditne, ro advcgise vrtagnlah pemtitted uses on We Easement <br />