Orange County NC Website
SNy Coms¢varcvn Euemem Draft 11-19-0( 10 <br />2.4 A¢icultural Ilse. Granbrx shall hevetha fight t0 plmt, seise and harvest <br />crops in existing Flelda on the PasemevteUCa. Grmmis mey m[eneblish or muinWin my <br />commercial feeder operation ov fie Easement Area, wM1ich ie defvM for du pmpoee ofthis <br />Cmservatiev Easement as m intensive animatraieWg opemtimthat rakes place within a <br />building ¢nd none of[he feed is prodmed on the tract; and theprocessing is IWIy orpanly <br />aulamatcd. <br />2.5 Timber Hereesr. Cmpmemial timbering OClhe woodland currently <br />axisting on be Easement Area at the tlmcofthc iWdation of tks Covservmtov Eesemmtis <br />prolsibitoi. Howev¢,trees may be planb:l forharvextivg ov por0olm ofthe Easement Arm <br />currently used for hay crops, provided that the harvesting nf[he new tree plantings rcmaivs <br />emsistev[with be conservafirm goal ofpreservmg habitat far native Flom end lama. Tines may <br />be cleared from v pottiml ofLOt 2 ifbm oNy ifadditimal cleared laud u rcgwrW to make atotal <br />offive cleared acres to qualify for horticWNral use valuation, provided such clearing is <br />naia[m[withfie wnservatim goals o[thie Conservation Easement. OtM1¢wise, the wvodlmd <br />xisting at the time of hNiation of tide Coruervvtiov Easement SM1WI not be clear cut Gom either <br />Lot t-A ort.m 2 hen sMll remain as a habitat fornative Flom and faun. <br />Trees may be removed, rat and otherwise Inmwgad to control ins¢ts and disease, to provmt <br />pcreeml injury end properly damage, l'Or frcwood and odre[ uses, incladivg conaVUCtivn o£ <br />permitted improvcmeme and fences an the Grantors' Property. The cutting, removal m <br />harvmtlng of trees, indudivg claming Imd far mltivetlov shell be spaclfioWly approved by the <br />Grmrtee or shall be in accordwce witM1 a Forest Mmagcmmt Plm which shall be iv writing and <br />approvM by boW Gmtore and Grmtee and provided funh¢. rM1at all timb¢ roads shall be <br />wmav¢ed ofp¢mevblematenels end shell be vo wid¢ thmtm (10) feet. <br />2.6 9id~ng.Gmntom shall not genes orpasture domestic ardmele on the <br />Easement Mea for commercial purposes. TWs shall mtpreven[the genng orpastanng of <br />animals fox Grantors' Or their guesm' n:cmztien, or used W camectiov with activities expressly <br />W1owW on the P.ascmcntArca. <br />27 Home R,d s. NO rosrmesciW mindustrial enterprise, oth¢Ihava <br />mall, home-bash business or mmrpnse associated wiN agricWtmal, horticultural, educational <br />or artistic activity shad be Wtowed mthe Easement Ar®. Artistic activity includes ¢afla,music, <br />pWnting mW othm fine ens, gerdmwg ahd oth¢ aimilm azmll-scale enterprises, so long ae these <br />iv kceping with preserving ahabitaz fornative Ilona and fame. Any each commercial or <br />indusrdal use of the Grmton' Propery must be mthorized by Orange Cowty coning tee latims <br />and be crosistmt wiW permits requital by and issued by Orange Cowty mderits laws and <br />nrctivmcee for such lend uses. _ <br />2.R Rec[9adonallkn,Cpnsia[ent with lire purpose ofend tM1elirtdmtiom <br />cmmined N this Conservation Easemm5 Gmntam shell have Me nghtlv Cngage in and pemtit <br />others, whether ornnt fur consideration, b engage inreueetionvt uses ofthe Properly, including, <br />