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3 <br /> 1 satisfaction survey. She said that, in light of the protest that took place at Orange County <br /> 2 Schools and concerns about intimidation and violence, she petitioned the Board to have <br /> 3 discussions about ordinances that can regulate protests in order to increase the chance that <br /> 4 things can stay civil at an upcoming work session, including representation from the Sheriff's <br /> 5 Office and schools to discuss what might support civility in the community. She thanked John <br /> 6 Roberts for researching this topic. <br /> 7 Commissioner Fowler congratulated those who ran successful campaigns for mayor and <br /> 8 town councils, and schools boards. She also thanked those who were willing to serve and put in <br /> 9 time and effort with the goal of benefitting the community. <br /> 10 Commissioner Bedford echoed Commissioner Fowler's comments. She reminded <br /> 11 commissioners of the Veteran's Day program on Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 11:00 am at <br /> 12 the memorial across from Southern Human Services off of Homestead Rd. <br /> 13 Chair Price said there is also a tailgate/drive-thru breakfast at the Passmore Center and <br /> 14 anyone interested should sign up by November 9tn <br /> 15 Chair Price said that Chapel Hill Pediatrics was visited by Governor Cooper and <br /> 16 Secretary Mandy Cohen to highlight the fact the Pfizer vaccine is available to children 5-11 <br /> 17 years old. She noted this is a milestone in the pandemic. She also said the opioid litigation is <br /> 18 moving forward. She and the County Attorney received documents by email, and they will be <br /> 19 ready for Board probably around the first meeting in December for approval. She thanked <br /> 20 Commissioner Greene and her colleagues in the group that helped make all of this possible. <br /> 21 Chair Price said the Orange County Community Remembrance Coalition became aware <br /> 22 there is a portrait of John Washington Graham in the old courthouse. She said he was a <br /> 23 Confederate major and was the leader of "Leave no Negro alive". She made a petition for the <br /> 24 portrait to be removed. She asked John Roberts to advise the Board on who has the authority to <br /> 25 remove this portrait. <br /> 26 Commissioner Greene said this should be the same procedure as the removal of the <br /> 27 portrait of Judge Ruffin which was in the same room. <br /> 28 John Roberts said he does not remember the specific process that was followed, but it <br /> 29 has been done before and he will get back to the Board on the steps. <br /> 30 Chair Price said the Board appealed to then Judge Carl Fox for his approval. She said <br /> 31 she is petitioning that this Board at least weigh in if it does not have the final say. <br /> 32 Chair Price reminded the public there will be two meetings about the Greene Tract in the <br /> 33 next week in the Rogers Road Neighborhood Center. The next day will be a Zoom meeting for <br /> 34 people to ask questions and make comments. She also reminded that the Board should have <br /> 35 received an invitation for a meeting the Orange County Schools is holding on November 5t" <br /> 36 She said there is also a wet paint sale on November 5tn at Eno Arts Mill. <br /> 37 Commissioner Richards said there is a lot of misinformation about the information <br /> 38 meetings and has received several emails. She asked how to combat the misinformation. She <br /> 39 said it creates a lot of unnecessary fear, and her fear is that meetings intended to be <br /> 40 informational will turn into something else because people will come geared up for battle. <br /> 41 Chair Price said Mayor Lavelle, Mayor Hemminger, and herself issued a statement that <br /> 42 was posted several places regarding the intent for the Greene Tract in following what was <br /> 43 decided 20 years ago. She acknowledged that some adjustments had to be made due to the <br /> 44 environmental study. She and two council members signed a statement even more recently to <br /> 45 try to combat some of the misinformation, but it is hard to get people to understand. She said all <br /> 46 Commissioners can do is try to continue providing facts. She said it is very difficult when people <br /> 47 send out false information, and the best thing they can do is continue to provide correct <br /> 48 information. She said she's spoken with people from the Rogers Road community and some of <br /> 49 them are concerned with comments supposedly being made on their behalf when they never <br /> 50 spoke to them. She said the best thing the Board can do is continue the consistent statement <br />