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20 <br /> 1 Commissioner Richards asked Commissioner McKee if the time restriction was midnight <br /> 2 to 6 a.m. if that would be a problem. <br /> 3 Commissioner McKee said he personally does not think that would be a problem, but <br /> 4 feels this is an issue that the Board cannot solve, as noise is so subjective. <br /> 5 Commissioner Richards asked if the number of complaints received can be identified. <br /> 6 Commissioner McKee he thought it was in the dozens. <br /> 7 Chair Price said once people talk to each other, they are able to work out issues. <br /> 8 Commissioner Greene said the issue has not been worked out in West Carrboro. She <br /> 9 said if there were time regulations on new shooting ranges she thinks there would have been <br /> 10 fewer issues. <br /> 11 Commissioner McKee asked if the location where shooting has occurred near Carrboro <br /> 12 would be considered an established shooting range. <br /> 13 Commissioner Greene said she is referring to future shooting ranges. <br /> 14 Commissioner McKee said "shooting range" means different things to different people. <br /> 15 Commissioner Hamilton said she would like to know how many new shooting ranges <br /> 16 come before the Board. She said she would like more context about the issue. She asked if <br /> 17 the Board was attempting to fix a problem that does not exist. <br /> 18 Chair Price said the Board gets periodic complaints about shooting and has not come up <br /> 19 with any solutions. <br /> 20 Commissioner Greene said she is specifically thinking of a shooting range that had the <br /> 21 appropriate berms for the county on private property. She said complaints came from neighbors <br /> 22 because they did not know when the shooting was going to happen. She said she wanted to <br /> 23 know if it was appropriate to set times for when shooting can happen for future shooting ranges. <br /> 24 She asked the Board if there is agreement to discuss this further at a future meeting. <br /> 25 Chair Price asked if there was a specific proposal, as this has been discussed for years. <br /> 26 Commissioner Greene said she is not prepared to propose times at this work session. <br /> 27 Commissioner McKee said he disagrees with Commissioner Greene on the prevalence <br /> 28 of this being a big issue in the future. He said he does not think there will ever be a solution to <br /> 29 this very subjective issue. He said in the previous task force, they could not figure out a solution <br /> 30 to this problem. He said until it becomes a disruptive problem, the BOCC should leave it alone. <br /> 31 Chair Price said the reason the maps were created was to show where the complaints <br /> 32 were made. She said creating an ordinance for a suburbanizing area would also affect the <br /> 33 more rural areas, which is unreasonable. <br /> 34 Chair Price asked Brian Carson if anyone has applied to create a new shooting range. <br /> 35 Brian Carson said he does not know of any applications, and they would go through <br /> 36 Michael Harvey at the Planning Department. <br /> 37 Commissioner Fowler said she is interested in setting a time frame for shooting, given <br /> 38 that general noise is already regulated. <br /> 39 Chair Price asked the Board to make proposals for time frames so staff can put it on a <br /> 40 future agenda. <br /> 41 Commissioner Hamilton said she would be interested in putting time frames for shooting <br /> 42 on a future agenda. <br /> 43 Commissioner Bedford asked the County Attorney if there is a reason that firearms are <br /> 44 not included in the existing noise ordinance. <br /> 45 John Roberts said he does not know why firearms were not included. <br /> 46 Commissioner Bedford asked if the current noise ordinance includes loud parties. <br /> 47 John Roberts said he does not think loud parties are included. <br /> 48 Commissioner McKee said he thought parties had to reach a certain decibel level. <br /> 49 Chair Price said in her experience noise ordinances were for certain loud industrial <br /> 50 activities. <br />