<br /> DocuSign Envelope ID : BB82744F-6BC1 -40EC- 8BC6-2E2381041 E7E
<br /> 8 . The Governmental Entity , as a Participating Subdivision, hereby becomes a Releasor for
<br /> all purposes in the Distributor Settlement, including but not limited to all provisions of
<br /> Part XI , and along with all departments , agencies , divisions , boards , commissions ,
<br /> districts , instrumentalities of any kind and attorneys , and any person in their official
<br /> capacity elected or appointed to serve any of the foregoing and any agency , person, or
<br /> other entity claiming by or through any of the foregoing, and any other entity identified
<br /> in the definition of Releasor, provides for a release to the fullest extent of its authority .
<br /> As a Releasor, the Governmental Entity hereby absolutely, unconditionally , and
<br /> irrevocably covenants not to bring, file, or claim, or to cause , assist or permit to be
<br /> brought, filed, or claimed, or to otherwise seek to establish liability for any Released
<br /> Claims against any Released Entity in any forum whatsoever . The releases provided for
<br /> in the Distributor Settlement are intended by the Parties to be broad and shall be
<br /> interpreted so as to give the Released Entities the broadest possible bar against any
<br /> liability relating in any way to Released Claims and extend to the full extent of the
<br /> power of the Governmental Entity to release claims . The Distributor Settlement shall be
<br /> a complete bar to any Released Claim ,
<br /> 9 . The Governmental Entity hereby takes on all rights and obligations of a Participating
<br /> Subdivision as set forth in the Distributor Settlement ,
<br /> 10 . In connection with the releases provided for in the Distributor Settlement, each
<br /> Governmental Entity expressly waives , releases , and forever discharges any and
<br /> all provisions, rights , and benefits conferred by any law of any state or territory of
<br /> the United States or other jurisdiction, or principle of common law, which is
<br /> similar, comparable, or equivalent to § 1542 of the California Civil Code, which
<br /> reads :
<br /> General Release ; extent. A general release does not extend to claims that
<br /> the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or
<br /> her favor at the time of executing the release that, if known by him or her,
<br /> would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or
<br /> released party .
<br /> A Releasor may hereafter discover facts other than or different from those which it
<br /> knows , believes , or assumes to be true with respect to the Released Claims , but each
<br /> Governmental Entity hereby expressly waives and fully , finally , and forever settles ,
<br /> releases and discharges , upon the Effective Date, any and all Released Claims that may
<br /> exist as of such date but which Releasors do not know or suspect to exist, whether
<br /> through ignorance, oversight, error, negligence or through no fault whatsoever, and
<br /> which, if known, would materially affect the Governmental Entities ' decision to
<br /> participate in the Distributor Settlement .
<br /> 11 . Nothing herein is intended to modify in any way the terms of the Distributor Settlement,
<br /> to which Governmental Entity hereby agrees . To the extent this Election and Release is
<br /> interpreted differently from the Distributor Settlement in any respect, the Distributor
<br /> Settlement controls .
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