Orange County NC Website
subliviainn. A 150-foot butldmg setback easetnem on lots Iba,165, and Ifi6 a <br />shall be Provided slang Baldww Roed az ivdica¢d ov the Prelimirary Plan. <br />6. A 20.foot wide pedasaian access cotenant shall be loeatetl iv lot 191 along the <br />vosthem proprrry line next to lot 190 from the open space area m Fox Hi0 Farm <br />Drive. <br />Z A recycling facility may bo established ov IIGS property if an agreement ie reached <br />ng the ovmcr, the HOA and Omnxe Cowty cosvsiatent with Orange County's <br />Solid Wute operaing policies. The open epee urea, IvcatW seusfi of and adjacent <br />m Lot l5] and north ofFOx HlI Farm Drive iv Phue 3, shall bereserv' N on the <br />foal plat and designx[duapotemial [ccycpng fecihty. [f an ageemem is <br />reached, the reserved ¢ree shall be moneyed m the HOA or Orange County. <br />Maintenance of any pmpedy conveyed to the HOA or Omnge County for a Fax <br />Hill Farm mmmuniry regeivx cantor will ba the respovaibility of[ba HOA ar <br />Orange Cowty u agreed to by Dranxe County and the HOA. The declaration of <br />covevan[s shall be revised b provide foe the recycling canter end its maiulenanca <br />c. canmaauoass <br />1. A Cenifiwte of Survey and A¢wacy signed by a P[ofessioval Laud Surveyor <br />shall be nosarvzd ov Ne face of she Fiwl Plm. <br />2. A Certificate of Dedara[iov avtl Maintenance in the form providetl N Section V- <br />D-b-b of she Orange Covvry Subdivuwn Regvla[ions signed by Nc laudowm[ I <br />developm shall be ov the face of Ne plat and Ivelpded m e document describing <br />development res[ric[ivva [o be recorded concurrently with do Fwal Plat. <br />3. The North Caroline DepaHmevt of Transpottedov sbaU certify the[ Ferm Cate <br />Urine, WirtlFlOwrr Place, Lee Fox Lave, Fox Hill Farm Drive, Cedar gtonc <br />Way, Still Meadow Lavq Slarfite Place and gptlvgfield Piece have bew <br />mvswcted m grate srawlazds or that mnstraaion plays have bmv approved <br />print b PlavWng Department si%nawres on Mal plat. <br />a. A Cettifirerc of Approval sigu~ by the Otavge County Flaming sad <br />Ivspcdeas Iseparunevt. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Boe[tl of Ornge Counr <br />Commissioners Wa[ We Preliminary Plan for Fox HW Farm Cenrcal Subdivision u approved m <br />arcordance with the above mendoned mMitiovs end attached PreWnivary Plat dated <br />Scprcmbm 20, 2W 1. <br />Upon motion of Conunissinntt ecovded by Corrmissioner _ <br />the foregoige, [caolvsiav was adopted [hie the _ day of_, 2001. <br />I, Beve[ly A. Blythe, Clark m the Bomd of Commissioners fo[ the County o[ O[evge, <br />Nenh Carolina, DO HEREBY CEATIFY dot [he foregoing is a [me copy of m moth of the <br />