Orange County NC Website
Average Sales Price: The average sales price of all dwelling units basetl on the number <br />antl sales price of tlwelling and types to be <onsbvRed In each year. <br />gECRON 2 -LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND gCN00L D[giRlCf DATA <br />Loral ga+xnmer¢ data inclutles infonnadon rcgaNing expentliNres requiretl to <br />provide County seMCes antl reenues received besetl on the approved Orange County <br />budget far the fiscal year In which the project is mnsitleretl far approval. All information <br />tlerived From the approved budget remains censtaM Nroughout a fixal year puh-lune) and <br />is charged Dory with the approval of a new butlget <br />Loral govemmeM revenue antl expenditure information's comptletl on a per capita <br />(per person) basis. Per capita fgures are tledvetl by tlNitling the total eepentlltures for a <br />particular service function or revenue source by me estimated population pf Orange County <br />for the year in whidt the protect Is consitleretl for approval. Populations esimates are <br />preparetlby the Planning Depar[meM. <br />Dafa inputs indutle the Pollowirg: <br />eutlget Year: The cuneM fiscal year; i.e., 199692 <br />Per CapNa Revenues: The sources of revenue by major category are as follows: <br />Taxes - Other.Than Property: Revenues from taxes other than property tams include <br />those from sales antl use lazes, f2nchlse taxes, antl animal tines. <br />IntergovemmeMal Aitl: Revenues from this source, in the Pone of ategprical aid or <br />sharetl-tax revenues, are provided through Stale antl fetle2l assistance programs. <br />Service Charges: Service (or user) charges support numerous functions antl are drarged to <br />chase who voluntarily receive governmental services or use governmental fatllities. <br />Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous revenues Include interest earnings an investments, proceeds <br />from lirense aM permit fees, and all other revenues. <br />Per Capita Expentlilures: Expenditures try major w[egory are as follows: <br />General Government: Services related to the legislative, administradve, finamial, and legal <br />funNOrts of goverment. <br />Public Safety: taw enforcement services and emergenry metlicel sernces. <br />Public Works: Efforts related to Me maintenance of Cnuntyrowned property aM rite <br />prpvlsbn of sanpadon (solid waste tlisposal) servkes. <br />