Orange County NC Website
EXPLANATION OF TERMS AND DATA SOURCES <br />SECTION 1- PRO]ECT DATA <br />Project data includes inmrmation about the specifk development project. Much, if not <br />all, of the information is wpplied b'J Ne applicant. Data Inputs Intlutle: ' <br />Project Name: Name of the project. <br />Township: Township In which the projea Is looted. <br />School District: School di#nR In which the project is locatetl. <br />eeginning Year: The first year pf the project in which dwelling units are comple[etl and <br />oo:upied. <br />Ending Year. The last year in which dwelling units are completetl and o¢vpied. The <br />template is set tc ralalate fsal impacts far a [en-}2ar pedotl. <br />IMiation Rate: Unless an Inflatlon 2te Is entered, the template will calculate fsral Impacts <br />basetl on constant dollars. Since the Inflation rate changes frequently, the Finance <br />department must be contacted far the mo# recent figure. <br />Persons/Household: The a#imabad average number of persons/householtl (dwelling unit) <br />baeed on 1990 Census tlata antl #utlles of the number of s[utlen[s per household for the <br />school tllsbict in which the project Is lamtetl. The mast recent swtlies include A SYUtly of <br />Housing Charocfsrisrks and Student Genemtmn Rates kr Orange County. N.C. (1995) antl <br />Technical ftepod: Calculation of Proportionate Share Impact Fees /or Finentlng Public <br />Scholl Capital Neetls, Oronga County, N.C. (1996). <br />Children/Household: The estimated average number of school age children/hcuseholtl <br />(dwelling unit) based on s[utlles of the number of students per household far the school <br />di#dR in which the projea k lomted. The most ecem study Is A SNtly of Housing <br />Characteristics antl SYUdent Generation Rates for Orange County, N.0. (1995). <br />Nan-Elderly: N.C. Gene21 Statutes permit an 511,000 exemptlon to the elderly and <br />d'~sabletl who meet cerlaln Income criteria. [n the event that eltledy units are part of Me <br />project, the percentage of eligible noneldedy units is enteretl. The tax base will <br />automatically be atljustetl to reflect the exemptlon. <br />Number of Homes: The number of dwelling units [o be cons[mdetl In the project in each <br />year. <br />