Agenda - 12-11-2001-9g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-11-2001
Agenda - 12-11-2001-9g
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Minutes - 20011211
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
RES-2001-119 Resolution approving Fox Hill Farm Central Preliminary Plat
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2001
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FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR FOX HILL FARM CENTRAL <br />RESIDENTIAL SERVICE STANDARD APPROACH <br />Prepared by <br />The Orange County Planning Departrnent <br />September, 2001 <br />pROJER DESCRIPTION <br />Fox HIII Fann Central subtlivision contains 91 buildable lots and is loceted in Em <br />Township. The lots are aaecsetl by new public roads which will iMerseR with New Sharon <br />Church Roatl antl 8aldwln Road. The Curtest inning Is AR - PgdcuRUral Resitlential. The <br />average lot s¢e is approximately 2.08 acres. Ints will be served by wells antl indNitlual <br />septic systems. <br />Pro]eC[ build-out is estimated at two years. Housing units will be wnstructetl, <br />beginning In 2002, with completion of the project schetluletl Por 2003. Units will consls[ of <br />tletached single-famlN homes, and the applicant estimates the average sales price to be <br />$325,000 Indutling the lot. <br />METHODOLOGY <br />FiSCaI impaR analysis is a projection of the direct, torten[, public costs antl revenues <br />awociatetl with resitlential antl non resitlendal growth in Ne ]pdstllNOn In which the growth <br />is taking place. RSCaI impact analysis considers only direR impaQ in that It projects only the <br />primary costs [hat will be incurtetl antl the Immetlla[e revenues Nat will be generated. It <br />ralcUlates the financial effect of a Banned development or new subdlvislod by consldedrg <br />[he curtest costs antl revenues such a tlerelopment wnultl geirera[e if k were completed antl <br />o¢upietl totlay. Fiscal Impact anaNds tlces not cpnsitler the private costs of public aNan. If <br />is concerned only with public (gwernmentaq vests and revenues. <br />The methotl usetl in preparing the fiscel impact analyss 's the Service Sbntlartl <br />Approach. While only gross expentliNres by servire category are tlerivetl from the Per Capita <br />Method, the Service Sbntlartl method determines the total number of additional employees <br />by service function that will be requiretl as a result of growtlt. This meNOtl employs avenge <br />county government vests per person, average school costs per pupil, an employee [o <br />population redo, and avenge operating expenses per employee far each service category <br />antl school tlistriR The number of new employees are pmjec[M aM muldp0etl 0mes Ne <br />average operating expenses (intlutles personnel, gpe2dng and capital costs) per employee. <br />These average costs are then weighed against per wpi[a antl per pupil revenues to proje¢ <br />the total net flSCdl Impact of Ne tlevebpmenL <br />
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