Orange County NC Website
as 6 <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />ENVIRONMENT ANO RESOURCE CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT <br />MEMORANDUM <br />T0: Eddie Kirk, Orange County Olanner <br />From: Rich Shaw, Land ConservaGOn Managers C <br />Date: November 8, 2001 <br />Re: Proposed Subdivision -Fox Hill Farm Central <br />Thank you the opportunity to review antl comment on the proposed subdivision <br />referenced above. My comments are generally intendetl to a) atldress any concerns <br />that ERCD may have wah respect to potential impacts on important natural and <br />culNral resources, and b) identify any areas that could be desirable far possible <br />dedlcalicn ro the County far public recreatlon/open space pursuant to Section IV-B- <br />]-b of the Orange County Subtlivision OMinance. <br />The preliminary plat fqr Fax Hill Farm Central shows over 101 acres (33%) are tc be <br />set aside as permanent open space and deeded tc a homeowners' association. Most <br />of the open space will be along flue riparian carritlors, which extend across the tract. <br />One of those corritlors contains a perennial stream (Little Creek) antl its 100-year <br />Flootlplain. Little Creek Flows souN through the southeast cornerto the Eno River. <br />From the 1998 orthopho[o it appears mat the riparian corridors are forested with <br />mature hardwoods, antl those areas would be protected by scream buffers of <br />varying widths affortletl by the Lower Eno Protected Watershed overlay district antl <br />the Neuse Buffer Rules. Most areas to be tleveloped as home sites were dearetl <br />previously far agdcul[oral use. It appears, however, that approximately 101ots <br />along the proposed Farm Gate Drive and another 101ois along [he proposed Fox HIII <br />Farm Drive woultl require at least portal clearing oP mature hartlwootls ItlentiFletl as <br />prime forest wildlife habitat in the 1999 Landsrape wkh Wildlife report (Wiley et al. ). <br />There are no requirements In Ne ortlinance to protect those areas. The site <br />includes np proposetl wildlife corridors itlentifetl in the Comprehensive Plan. <br />The prppasetl subdNislon tlpes a fair jab of provitling open space and protec[Ing <br />riparian roMtlors located throughout the property. The preliminary plan appears <br />consistent with the County's tlesire m minimize adverse environmental impacts with <br />respeQ t0 me protection of streams and Flpptlplains. Mare coultl be tlone to pmtett <br />prime foresrywildlife habitat antl prime farmland, but [here are no County <br />requirements [o that effe0. In conclusion, I do not recommend that anY land <br />ba ronsidered for possible dedication for public recreation/open space. <br />Let me know if you have any questions or would like to discuss further <br />a. DaviO Standl <br />