Orange County NC Website
u <br />zoo a8o gpa snmmw Trmch cnnvmhonal <br />zol ago gpd canvmhnnW <br />202 480 gpd Shallow ltmch Convmticnal w/pwnp <br />203 R80 gpd Conventioanl <br />NOT[S' <br />The design flow is based upon Ne number of bedrooms applied fnrhy the propetly owner or developer. the desi, <br />flaw for a betlroom Is 120 gallc~/dey (g~d)_ (Eg 680 gpd=4 bedmoms) <br />Thepmperty owner or developer u required by ISA NCAC 18A.1900 -.1969 (The Lews and Rules 1'or Sewage <br />Treatment and Disposal Systems provides proposed house locations). <br />TM1e design Flow, type system, and pump requirement are snbjecl to ehavw based upon Iha epplica[ivn and site pie <br />plat submitted for Ne Wastewater Cons[rvctivn Authoricmion. <br />TM1e hlvcked areas vn the xcampanying plat me the limim ofthe provraiovnlly suitabl<soils as evalumetl by the <br />Ormge County Health Deparhnent. <br />It should be rated dtat all tatshaving a convemional-type drain field with pomp aze reviewer at amwmum of ev <br />five years by iha health depaz[mmt as required by 15A NCAC 18 A .19d1 (NLtimevmw oPSawaga Systmu} <br />Ulve Shallow Trenoh Com'evtiovel Systems are placed in areas with 21 mchea or more ofprovisiorally suitable <br />seiVSite chazachrisfics avd a 6-30" soil cap is placed over Ne vmehes. <br />Shallaw'1'reneh Conventional Systems are plmed in areas with JD inches or mme vfprovisionelly svimble so1VSV' <br />charuclanstlcs. <br />Cowentienel Trench Sye[ems are pieced N areas with 36' inches or more ofprovisior~Wly sutable soillsite <br />charxtenstics. <br />Th d h Idb k [f f M l t R 1 d ~ d<o H C'I <br />It is the maponsibility of the propttty own or developu to meintwrtthemtepityof Ne septic arena prior to sysh <br />mnstmdivn and installation. No parking,ecuttivg or Lllwg shall be allowed W or moved the drain field seas. <br />DrAivage ways and eeaementa shoud be utilized to convey storm waterrva-ofi[o the storm wamr relmliev areas. <br />These conveyances should not he loaned through designetW septic drain f eld areas, <br />This report isforplarming purposes only and dues not constitute any site approval. Lot approval is grantal by thi <br />heWtb depamvmtoWYwthe fonv ofan Lnpmvemmt Permit. , <br />