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15 <br /> representative. She said the breakdown by race, ethnicity, age or voting, may not actually <br /> represent the viewpoints of the county, so for her it does not provide the evidence that <br /> necessarily supports the conclusions. She said given that the survey was conducted over two <br /> weeks in June during COVID, it is understandable why there is a small sample and why it may <br /> not be representative. She said there is also a lack of analysis of past elections and election <br /> results to demonstrate who is or is not being represented under the current system, under the <br /> previous system when there were only five at-large commissioners, etc. She said a historical <br /> perspective would help identify the problem that needs to be fixed. She said if the problem is <br /> voters not being educated that is something that can be dealt with without having a new <br /> system. She said it is nice and important that the viewpoints of the group and experience are <br /> brought to the table, but she hopes experience is used to get evidence that is more objective <br /> and understanding of the pros and cons of the different voting systems that are out there. She <br /> agreed that single district commissioner, might not view the county as a whole, and it is <br /> important to get more information about how this works in other counties and around the <br /> country. She said she sees the time and effort put into this and the careful deliberations and <br /> would think the evidence brought forth to support it could be more robust than what is seen. <br /> Chair Price said the report was so thorough and she gave kudos to the group and staff <br /> for their work. She said she holds a district 2 seat and, in one sense, the general election <br /> allows people to say "I voted for you" and she knows she is working for the whole county. She <br /> said the work of the BOCC has countywide impact so she definitely tries to think of the entire <br /> county. She said she has special passion for District 2 and acknowledged that Chapel Hill and <br /> Carrboro have town councils to represent them, but many parts of District 2 do not. She said <br /> she also gets calls from District 1 residents and helps all the same. She said her concern with <br /> single districts, and no at-large seats, is the possibility that Commissioners would feel they only <br /> represent their specific district, rather than the entire county. She thanked the group for <br /> attempting outreach and getting community input. She said it is often hard to get the <br /> community to take a survey. She said she is uncertain about it right now, because she wants to <br /> avoid the domination of one area over others. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked which rubric would represent the possibility of the current <br /> system, minus the at-large positions. <br /> Dr. Hazirjian said the county currently has blended districts with at-large on top of that. <br /> She said there are only two counties in the State with a combination of at-large and multi- <br /> member districts. She said it is very unusual. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said it looked like there were others that had both districts and at- <br /> large. <br /> Chair Price said Orange County is different in having voting in the district for the primary <br /> and everyone votes in the general elections. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said since she is an at-large representative, she agrees that at- <br /> large positions may benefit Chapel Hill-Carrboro area over the rest of the county, although in <br /> past elections folks from District 2 have won that seat. She said she can see how getting rid of <br /> that might make things more equitable geographically. She said her concern is how different is <br /> one side of Chapel Hill is from another. She said if Chapel Hill and Carrboro were split up into <br /> some sort of pie, it could make it even worse for the county in terms of equity. She said, as an <br /> at-large candidate, she did have to campaign across the entire county and get to know people <br /> she was representing across the county. <br /> Dr. Hazirjian said the concern about the pie option, is why the group said to keep <br /> communities of interest together and avoid splitting precincts. She said she is not sure how the <br /> map would be most equitable. She said in terms of population there would likely be four <br /> districts carved out of something close to district 1 and three out of something close to District <br /> 2. She said it would not guarantee more representation for District 2. <br />