<br />Orange County Health Department Epidemiology
<br />Contractor Name Section
<br />_ Public Health Preparedness and Response
<br />Br
<br />Activity #4519 Bioterrorism- Smallpox SFY-04 _
<br />Activity Number and Title '~~~
<br />August 31 2003 -August 30 2004 _ Original
<br />Effective Period (Beginning and Ending Date) Revision # Date
<br />The North Carolina Smallpox Vaccination Plan (NCSVP) is a key element of the State's Public Health
<br />Prepaedness and Response Plan for Bioterrorism and the overall work of the Department of Health and
<br />Human Services. The North Cazolina Smallpox Vaccination Plan involves all North Cazolina counties and
<br />local health departments and requires detailed planning at the state, regional and local levels for pre-event
<br />vaccination, ring vaccination and mass vaccination, Under this Agreement Addenda, Local (County) Health
<br />Departments are authorized to administer funds in support of the State's Smallpox prepazedness plan and
<br />their county's plans. The total amount funded under this Agreement Addenda is $1,490,580,
<br />These funds aze made available to Local (County) Health Departments and Multi County Districts to
<br />maintain and strengthen state, regional and local Smallpox preparedness and response activities.
<br />Specifically, these funds will be used to maintain and entrance activities, including, but not limited to:
<br />Surveillance, Disease Investigation, Vaccination, Mass Caze, Mass Fatality, Quazantine/Isolation, Public
<br />Information, and Command/ConiroUCommunications, When such activities aze performed, LHDs will
<br />ensure that smallpox is included in the list of possible agents and the particulaz features of smallpox as a
<br />BT agent aze addressed. In support of the overall smallpox prepazedness efforts, funds maybe expended
<br />for: education and training, exercises, recmitment of volunteers, maintenance of data bases of vaccination
<br />centers and distribution points, acquisition of equipment and systems for data management, rapid reporting,
<br />outbreak investigation, case fording, isolation and quazantine, contact tracing, vaccination and risk
<br />communication.
<br />Method of Accountability:
<br />• Local (County) Health Departments will establish and maintain a method of reporting montlily fiscal
<br />expenditures and SVP activities, These reports aze to be made available to the State's Bioterrorism
<br />Coordinator quarterly or, upon reasonable request.
<br />Itemized Budget:
<br />• The itemized budget for the new CDC Bioterrorism Grant Year 04 which began August 31, 2003
<br />(listed on budget estimate as Fund/RCC/FRC: 1563-2680, 2681, 2686, 2686, 2688-ET) is to be
<br />budgeted fora 12 month service and nayment period, through August 30, 2004., that will extend
<br />/overlau into SFY OS for July and Aueus[.
<br />• Funding for the activities authorized under this Amendment may occur in both NC State Fiscal Yeazs
<br />2203-2004 and 2004-2005, Budget breakdowns for each fiscal yeaz aze attached and incorporated
<br />herein by reference, Departments should ensure that adequate funds are reserved to maintain
<br />any ongoing activities through the first two months of SFY 04-05. Notification of any reallocation
<br />of budgeted amounts should be submitted to Dr. James Kirkpatrick, Bioterrorism Coordinator, Office
<br />of Public Health Prepazedness and Response,
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<br />County Health'~Drrector Signature and Da e ~
<br />