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DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH <br />OFFICE OF PUBLIC HEALTH PREPAREDNF,SS AND RESPONSE <br />AGREEMENT ADDENDA <br />Oran a County Health Department <br />Contractor Name <br />Activity.,rc,4515:. Bioterrorism -Risk Communication <br />Epidemiology <br />Section <br />Activity Number and Title <br />August 31 2003 - 4ugust 30 2004 _ <br />Effective Period (Beginning and Ending Date) <br />This Amendment modifies the existing Aid to Counties Grant for North Carolina State Fiscal Pear 2003- <br />2004. The total amount funded under this Amendment is $332,100. <br />The Norh Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Office of <br />Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism recognizes that Risk Communication is an <br />essential component of the State's ability to respond to a possible bioterrorism or other public health <br />disaster, by providing the public with information on how and who to contact in matters associated with an <br />actual or suspected biological attack, or an unusual outbreak of disease, Mils Agreement Addenda, <br />authorizes Local (County) Health Departments to administer funds to raise public awareness regarding the <br />threat of bioterrorism and potential biological agents, and provide citizens with infotmation on steps to take <br />to prepare for a biological threat or other public health disaster. <br />Specifically these funds are to be used to: <br />• Establish and participate in regional meetings for Public Information Officers (PIO) from Public <br />Health, Hospital Administration and Law Enforcement <br />• Identify appropriate Risk Communication training opportunities Public Information Officers and local <br />and regional media facilitators <br />• Coordinate Risk Communication educational activities for PIOs and media facilitators <br />Develop Risk Communication procedures and protocols <br />• Support and participate in "infra-county" and "inter-county" Risk Communication flow matrix <br />• Establish "cross-regional" Risk communication nehvork <br />The funds may also be used to pay for any or all of the followring: radio and print advertising; flyers; <br />brochures; pamphlets; posters, stickers, public presentation materials, exhibit panels and other promotional <br />materials as long as they address one or more of the three objectives listed above.. <br />County Healt~i irector Signature and Dafe -7`" <br />Public Health Preparedness and Response <br />Branch <br />