Agenda - 12-11-2001-9f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-11-2001
Agenda - 12-11-2001-9f
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4/22/2013 12:50:39 PM
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8/29/2008 10:36:22 AM
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Minutes - 20011211
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
RES-2001-118 Resolution approving Birdsong Subdivision Preliminary Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2001
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9 <br />the west, as part of the Final Plat approval process. The Final Plat and <br />Oaderation of Re6hIGlOns shall include pmvlSlMS to revert the culAer ac areas <br />Wore adjacent lots 13, 14, and 15 if and when the stub -out is constructed. <br />61 A 40 -foot pedestrian and emergency vehicle easement shad be Installed between <br />lots 5 and 6. Designed as part of the pedestrian network, this easement shall <br />contain a constructed tmvelway capable of supporting emergency vehicles. The <br />Fire Marshal and local Fire Department Chief shall Inspect and approve the <br />travelway to ensure its accessibility to EMS vehicles poor to Final Plat approval. <br />Once constructed, tore easement and thavelway shall be maintained by the <br />Homeowners Assoaation as provided by the recorded Declaration of Covenants, <br />Conditions and Restrictions for Birdsong Subdivision. (See also Section R7 of <br />this Resolution.) <br />C. Land Use Surface and Landscaping <br />I Landscaping shall be installed [or preserved] as indicated on an approved <br />landscape plan and shall M inspected and approved by the Planning <br />Department prior to Final Plat approval. Landscaping shall induce a 3 ficet <br />Type A Land Use Buffer along Little River Church Road. <br />y <br />A letter of credit or escrow agreement or other security shall be submitted to <br />secure the required landscape 'installation and preseNatMn. An estimate of the <br />cost for required preservation, new plantings, and their Inatalladon must be <br />provided The financial guarantee shall rafted 110 percent of the estimate and <br />must be issued by an accredited financial institution licensed to do business In <br />North Carolina <br />2. A total of 50 -feet along the Little River Church Road right -of -way shall remain <br />undisturbed. This buffer, which is separate from the hghtbf-way dedication <br />referenced in B.B. of this Resolution. shall consist of the So l Type A Land <br />Use Buffs along Little River Church Road and an addition 20 -foot area south of <br />[ore Land Use Buffer. The 20 -foot additional buffer is to remain undisWrbed. <br />Septic systems shall not edend into any portion of the combined 50.foot buffer <br />along Llltle River Church Road. <br />3. The landaceping shall be maintained by the wvnerlaippicant (Elie Batouli) until <br />such time as it is accepted for maintenance by the twmeowners associetiw. <br />C Provisions for the protection of existing trees as shown on the approved <br />landsci plan shall be included in a document describing development <br />restrictions and requirements to be prepared by Planning Stag and recorded <br />concurrently with the Final Plat. <br />S. Drainage <br />1. Impervious surface data for all lots, pursuant to Anide 6.23 Fxtm Requirements <br />for Watershed Prob ion Overlay Districts of the Orange County Zoning <br />Ordinance, shall be included in the development restrictions and requirements <br />document to be prepared by Planning Staff and recorded concurrently with the <br />Final Plat The impervious surface limitations for each lot shell indicate whether <br />
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