Agenda - 12-11-2001-9f
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 12-11-2001
Agenda - 12-11-2001-9f
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4/22/2013 12:50:39 PM
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8/29/2008 10:36:22 AM
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Minutes - 20011211
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
RES-2001-118 Resolution approving Birdsong Subdivision Preliminary Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2001
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B. Roads and Access <br />1. Birdsong Lane shell be constructed to NCDOT minor local standards win a 50. <br />foot nghtof -way and $-foot Witty easemeMe on each side. Construction shall be <br />inspected and approved by NCDOT <br />OR <br />A letter of credit or sucrose agreement or other secunty shall be subtraed b <br />secure construction of Birdsong Lane to NCDOT standards. An estimate of Me <br />construction cost must be prepared by a ceritiedlllcensed engineer or grading <br />contractor and submitted to the Orange County Planning Department and <br />approved by the County Engineer. The financial guarantee must reflect 110 <br />Percent of Nat estimate and be Issued by an accredited financial institution <br />licensed to do business In North Caroline. The document describing <br />development restrictions to be recorded with the Final Plat shall State that the <br />financial guarantee will not be released until the mad construction has been <br />Inspected and approved by NCDOT. <br />2. An erosion control plan for the entire project. Including Birdsong Lane, shall be <br />submitted by the applicant to the Orange County Erosion Control Division for <br />review and approval prior to any disturbance on the site. The Erosion Control <br />Plan shall Include a stommater management plan Nat meets the requirements of <br />both the County and the house River Man rules. <br />1 Prior to any construction or any alteration of any existing across within rue right- <br />of-way Little River Church Road (SR 1543), the developerlowner shall secure a <br />driveway permit from the NCDOT District Office. A copy of the NCOOT- <br />approved permit and letter to the Planning Department shall be submitted at the <br />me time as Me request for Planning Department signatures on the Final Plat. <br />Sight distance triangles shell be shown at all intersections within the subdivision, <br />or included within Me right-of -way of the proposed street. <br />4. Access to all lots shall be from Birdsong Lane. Driveway cots for lots 1 and 26 <br />shall be a minimum of 50 feet from the Intersection with Late River Church Raced. <br />This restriction shall los appeal In a document to be prepared by Planning Staff <br />and recorded concurrently with the final plat. Non-vehicular access easements <br />(NVA),-areee where driveways shall not be betted —shall also be shown on the <br />final plat. <br />5. An approved street name sign shall be erected at the intersections of: Little River <br />Church Road (SR 1543) and Birdsong Lane, as required in Search N -8-3-012 <br />Street Name Slans of the Orange County SubdFASion Regulations. The <br />applicant shell submit either evidence Nat the sign Is in place or a receipt for <br />purchase of the sign prior to Planning Department signatures an the Final Pie[. <br />6. The applicant shall Medicine, In fee simple to the North Carolina DBPerthent of <br />Transportation, an additional 5 feet or 35 feet soon the centerline of the existing <br />right -of -way whichever Is greater, along those poncho of no property that front <br />Little River Church Road (SR 1543) for future road improvements. The <br />dedication shall be shown an the final plat Property lines to stop at new rahtof- <br />way <br />I. The applicant shall chances to the County a 5 fx t -s clout" between lots 14 <br />and 15 along with 10 -foot construction easements, for future mad connections to <br />
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