Orange County NC Website
11 <br />6. The owner/applicant shall establish an easement on that portion of May Drive, <br />which provides a second acr¢ss for emergency vehicles from Little River Church <br />Road (SR 1543) to the 4Pfoot combination pedestran/ emergency vehicle <br />social easement in BiNsong Subdivision as outlined in Section B.B. of this <br />Resolution. <br />1. If any condition of this Resolution shall be held invali or void, the Resolution <br />Itself shall be void and of no effect. <br />G. Certifications <br />1. A Cti i4cate of Survey and Accuracy signed by a Professional land Surveyor <br />shall be notanzed on the face of the Final Plat. <br />2.. A Certificate of Declaration and Maintenance In the form provided In Section V -D- <br />e-b of the Orange county subdivision Regulations slgnM by the landowners and <br />developer shall be on the face of the plat and included in a document describing <br />devebpment restrictions to be recorded concurrently wit the Final Plat. <br />3. The North Carolina Department of Transportation shall certify that all roads have <br />been constructed to State standards or that construction plans have been <br />approved. <br />4. A Certificate of Approval signed by the Orange County Planning and Inspections <br />Department. <br />NOW, THEREFORE Be IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Orange County Commissioners, that <br />the Preliminary Plan for Birdsong subdivision is approved In accordance with the above <br />mentioned conditions and attached Preliminary Plat dated June a, 2001 (and last revised <br />November 21, 2001). <br />Open motion of Commlasioner <br />,Iforagoing resolution was adopted this the day of ,2001. <br />I, Bawdy A Blythe, Cledr to the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange, <br />North Carolina DO HEREBY CERTIFY Mat the foregoing Is a thus copy of so much of the <br />proceedings of said Board at a meeting herd on 2001 as relates in any way to <br />the adoption of the foregoing and that said proceedings are recorded in Minute Book No. _ <br />of the minutes of said Boats. <br />WITNESS my hand and the seal of sat County, Nis _ day of .2001. <br />011 to the Board of Commissioners <br />